Introducing the Enhanced ZigBee Keypad edge driver
Make your keypad work like a security keypad or a programmable lock keypad in SmartThings for managing locks/doors/garage doors, Home Monitor, security, custom buttons, custom actions, entry and exit delays and lots more. (see below for more details).
Security Keypad + Virtual Lock (with programmable codes)
Virtual Lock (with programmable codes)
Other Features
Automation Features
Classic App
This edge driver is compatible with most ZigBee security keypads like the Centralite, UEI, Xfinity, Lowes Iris, Scout, frient and more.
Detailed comparison of the keypads features here
The UEI / Xfinity XHK1 keypad can be bought from Amazon here and here and from eBay for about $19
The frient Intelligent keypad can be bough from Amazon and RFID fob’s (ISO14443A, MIFARE classic)
The Centralite / Xfinity 3400-X keypad can be bought from Amazon or from eBay for about $20
The Scout keypad can be bought from Scout or from Amazon
The Lowes IRIS v3 keypad (IL021) can be bought from Lowes
The Lowes IRIS v2 keypad (3405-L) can be bought from Lowes or from Mercari
The Centralite 3400-C/3400-D/3400-G retail smart keypad can be bought from Centralite
The Xfinity keypads can be purchased from Comcast Home Security
- The IRIS v2/Centralite 3400-C/3400-D/3400-G/Xfinity 3400-X keypads use 2 x CR123A batteries
- The newer UEI/Xfinity XHK1/IRIS v3 keypads use 4 x AA batteries and last 3 - 8 times longer than the other keypads depending on the type of battery used (Lithium, Alkaline, NiMH/NiCd)
UEI/Xfinity XHK1->
<-Centralite/Xfinity 3400-X
Iris v2 (3405-L)->
<-Iris v3 (iL02_1)
Centralite 3400-C/3400-D/3400-G →
← Scout
frient Intelligent keypad →
You can find the latest features and supported models on our website
This edge driver supports the following features (refer to the release notes/website for latest updates):
- Selectable operating modes (enable/disable integration with Home Monitor)
- Security keypad + Virtual lock with programmable codes
- Virtual lock with programmable codes
- Work as a keypad lock in SmartThings
- 999 programmable slots with 1-20 digit user codes and rfid fobs (depending on keypad model)
- View programmed user names/codes
- Enable/disable keypad
- Enable/disable auto lock
- Lock and unlock using user codes
- Invalid code notifications
- Direct arming (arm directly with buttons without user code)
- Detect Main/Battery power
- Battery level
- Two way sync with Home Monitor (arm/disarm) with supported models
- Read the following sensors
- Temperature (auto convert to F or C depending upon your location)
- Motion
- Battery (new battery calibration algorithm)
- Centralite/Iris v2/Xfinity keypad support for CR123A Lithium batteries
- UEI/Xfinity/Iris v3/frient support for AA Lithium, Alkaline, NiMH/NiCD batteries
- Tamper
- Use with Automations
- Door bell
- Security mode
- Lock state
- User code/name specific actions separately for arming away/arming stay/disarming/locking/unlocking
- Panic alarm (supported models)
- Invalid code, lock/unlock action type (remote, keypad) custom actions
- Temperature
- Motion sensor
- Battery levels
- Power source
- Hardware failure notifications
- Use as a Tone capability device (beep/chime)
- Use as a Siren/Alarm capability device (supported models)
- Locate keypad using a beep(s)
- Beeping for entry/exit delays
- Ability to configure the following parameters:
- Entry delay
- Exit delay
- Home Monitor integration
- Default arming mode
- One touch arming
- Number of rings/chimes
- Auto lock delay
- Temperature sensitivity (0.1° - 2.0°)
- Temperature offset (for correcting the temperature reported by the sensor)
- Motion inactivity timeout
- Select AA battery type for supported models
- Use with Home Monitor
- Use with Smart Lock Guest Access (SLGA)
- Use with Lock User Management (LUM) to control from the keypad using virtual switches
- Compatible with apps like Lock User Management (LUM) and Rental Lock Automater (RLA)
- Use with Lock & Door Synchronizer to control Garage Doors, Patio Doors and synchronize with other locks/devices
- Use with Chime and Notifications for Doorbells and Sensors
Siren and Chime Features
- Keypads which have a built in beeper can be used as a Chime for sensors/buttons (e.g. door bells or door open/close) using the Beep or Tone capability
- Iris keypads have a built in Siren that can be triggered with the panic button or independently as an Alarm
- Iris v2 (3405-L) 60dB siren
- Iris v3 (iL02_1) 85dB siren
- frient keypads use a red flashing LED for a Siren and Yellow flashing LED for the Panic SOS button
You can use these keypads with Automations or a compatible Chime SmartApp
Sample Automation Use Cases in SmartThings
- Arming/disarming Home Monitor security
- Siren/alarm (models which support it)
- Chime/beeper to notify when doors/windows are opened/closed
- Panic button
- Secondary keypad for locks
- Primary keypad for garage doors/patio doors
- Temperature sensor
- Motion sensor (for close up motion)
- Program codes with Smart Lock Guest Access (SLGA) and LUM
- Create custom action using for each user code and for each mode (disarm/away/stay)
- Run/activate/deactivate switches/controls/routines etc
- Create custom actions
- Arm/disarm Home Monitor/Intruder/Security System/Hub modes
- Chime the keypad when doors/windows are opened or something is turned on/off
Install the edge driver using the step by step instructions here
How to Arm/Disarm and sync with Home Monitor
- Synchronization with Home Monitor is automatic, try reinstalling Home Monitor if you’re having issues
Centralite/UEI/Xfinity keypad (after programming codes):
- to arm HM press one of the 3 modes buttons on top followed by a valid 4 digit user code
- to disarm HM enter a valid 4 digit user code
Iris v2 keypad (after programming codes):
- to arm HM enter a valid 4 digit user code followed by the
button (Armed Stay) or theOn
button (Armed Away) - to disarm HM enter a valid 4 digit user code, press the
- to arm HM enter a valid 4 digit user code followed by the
Iris v3 keypad (after programming codes):
- to arm HM press the
button (Armed Stay) or theOn
button (Armed Away) (this keypad does NOT support user codes for arming) - to disarm HM enter a valid 4 digit user code, press the
- to arm HM press the
Scout keypad (after programming codes):
- to arm HM enter a valid 4 digit user code followed by the
button (Armed Stay) or theLock
button (Armed Away) - this keypad has an option to enable/disable the 4 digit user code for arming
- to disarm HM enter a valid 4 digit user code, press the
- to arm HM enter a valid 4 digit user code followed by the
frient Intelligent keypad (after programming user/fob codes):
- to arm HM enter a valid 1 to 20 digit user code followed by one of the 2 mode buttons or the
button - this keypad has an option to enable/disable the user code for arming
- to disarm HM enter a valid 1 to 20 digit user code, press the
- to arm HM enter a valid 1 to 20 digit user code followed by one of the 2 mode buttons or the
When HM is armed via the keypad, the LED light on top will glow red and the appropriate mode button will light up (if present)
When HM is disarmed via the keypad, the LED light will be green/red OFF button will light up
means the keypad isArmed
means that it’sDisarmed
.- Since the device has no “physical” locking mechanism, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with Automations or SmartApps like SLGA, LUM or RLA to control a physical switch or lock etc.
- The Iris v3 Keypad arms directly when the On/Partial button is pressed. It does not use a 4 digits code for arming like the other keywords.
- The Scout keypad has the option to enable/disable the user pin code for arming from the DTH settings page
- For operating other keypads, press an action button (off/on/night/away/stay) followed by a 4 digits user pin.
Low Battery: If your battery falls below 20% consider replacing it. The unit will start flashing a red light when the battery level is low.
More features to added, if you have any suggestions or ideas please feel free to ask and we’ll try to add it.
It is recommended to install the edge driver BEFORE paring the device for easier setup.
- Remove the batteries from the device
- Open the SmartThings mobile app and click on + or Add a thing to put the hub into pairing mode
- Make sure you’ve inserted the covering piece at the back of the device so that pairing button is pressed
Centralite 3400-C/3400-D/3400-G/Xfinity 3400-X/Iris v2
- Remove the covering piece
- Press and hold the tamper switch
- While holding the tamper switch insert one battery into the device (use CR123A Lithium batteries)
- Release the tamper switch
- It should complete pairing within 30 seconds and it should show up on your SmartThing mobile device
- The device wifi/signal LED should be flashing green
- Insert the second battery and the wifi/signal LED should stop flashing
- Re-insert the covering piece (if the LED doesn’t stop flashing see the TIPS below)

UEI/Xfinity XHK1
- Insert the 4 batteries (use AA Lithium 1.5v batteries for best performance, AA Alkaline batteries or AA Rechargeable NiMH/NiCd batteries).
- The Pairing LED light should start flashing (indicating it’s in pairing mode). If the light is not flashing, follow the Exclusion Instruction below to get it back into pairing mode
- The device wifi/signal LED should be flashing green
- On successful pairing the pairing LED should flashing and the the wifi/signal LED should be lit
- Set the battery type (Lithium, Alkaline, Rechargeable) in the device preferences page (click the Gear icon on top right corner of the keypad page in the ST Classic app), after pairing for accurate battery life reporting
Iris v3
- Insert the 4 batteries (use AA Lithium 1.5v batteries for best performance, AA Alkaline batteries or AA Rechargeable NiMH/NiCd batteries).
- The Pairing LED light should start flashing blue (indicating it’s in pairing mode). If the light is not flashing, follow the Exclusion Instruction below to get it back into pairing mode
- On successful pairing the pairing LED should flashing green
- Set the battery type (Lithium, Alkaline, Rechargeable) in the device preferences page (click the Gear icon on top right corner of the keypad page in the ST Classic app), after pairing for accurate battery life reporting
- Insert the 2 batteries (CR123A)
- The Pairing LED light should start flashing green 3 times every 5 seconds indicating it’s in pairing mode. If the light is not flashing, follow the Exclusion Instruction below to get it back into pairing mode
- On successful pairing the pairing LED should steady green
- Insert the 4 AA batteries
- The yellow LED light should start flashing rapidly (if it’s flashing slowly, do a factory reset or change the mode using the pin hold behind the keypad - refer to manual)
- On successful pairing the LED should turn off
TIP: If you’re having trouble pairing the device, power cycle your hub and try to exclude the device first
TIP: If the network LED continues to blink even after pairing, press the tamper button 5 times to reset it
NOTE: If all the arm mode lights are blinking in series (On/Partial/Off or Away/Stay/Night etc), this means that the keypad has lost it’s connection with the mesh. Move the keypad closer to the hub or add a ZigBee repeater. If that doesn’t work, remove the battery for a few seconds, re-insert it and then tap the refresh tile to resync and reestablish communication with the hub.
Click on the gear icon (top right corner) in your SmartThings mobile phone device page. Scroll down to the bottom and click Remove and follow instructions.
Centralite/Xfinity/Iris v2/UEI
- If the exclusion was not successful (which can happen if the device did not receive the exclusion notification from the hub, when not paired the wifi/signal LED will not be lit), remove the cover and the batteries, keep the tamper/pairing button pressed while inserting the batteries and then release the tamper/pairing button. For the XHK1 models it should make the pairing LED start flashing
- Press the tamper switch 5 times to reset the keypad
Iris v3
- Remove 1 battery and wait ten seconds
- Re-insert the battery while holding down the reset button on the side and release when the status light blinks red once and then start blinking blue
- Remove both batteries
- Press the tamper switch, re-insert the battery while holding down the tamper switch
- Release the tamper switch within 4 seconds and the pairing LED should start blinking green
Comparison of Keypad Features
Check out the Ring Gen2 Keypad edge driver
This driver is available on the RBOY APPS Server, Refer to our website or facebook page below to get access to the server.
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