[OBSOLETE] Lock User Management (LUM)

Thank you for sharing this @milandjurovic71, adding a few details for the community.

How to use LUM to arm/disarm new STHM using virtual switches and Automations

Virtual Switches:

Create 3 virtual switches in the IDE -> My Devices -> + New Device ->

  • Name & Device network id: STHM Arm Away , Type: Virtual Switch
  • Name & Device network id: STHM Arm Stay , Type: Virtual Switch
  • Name & Device network id: STHM Disarm , Type: Virtual Switch


Create these 3 automations using the new ST app:

Configuring LUM to arm/disarm STHM

  • To arm STHM when locking via a keypad, select the STHM Arm Away virtual switch under Lock/Unlock Actions -> Keypad lock actions -> Turn on switch(s)
  • To disarm STHM when unlocking via a keypad, select the STHM Disarm virtual switch under Lock/Unlock Actions -> Keypad unlock actions -> Turn on switch(s)

TIP: If you’re configuring a keypad, you’ll see Away/On button actions and Stay/Partial buttons actions links in the Keypad lock actions page. You can use these links to trigger the STHM Arm Away and STHM Arm Stay switches separately based on the arming mode button you select on the keypad.

NOTE: The ADT options should only be used if you have a SmartThings ADT hub. It is not used for arming/disarming STHM.

How to configure a Two Way Synchronization between STHM and a Keypad

[RELEASE] Ring Alarm Keypad (2nd Gen) Device Handler