Now all features are compatible with the stock SmartThing Z-Wave and ZigBee device handlers and Keypad Locks
User Unlock/Lock Door Notifications and Actions - Version 04.04.00
- Added support for arming/disarming ST ADT panel as lock/unlock actions (including syncing when with external keypads)
Key features of the SmartApp:
- Monitor unlimited users and locks
- Works with the built in SmartThings device handler
- Easy and intuitive setup
- Support for different types of locks (keypad, bluetooth, RFID, etc)
Define custom individual Unlock AND Lock actions for users such as:
- Exit delay actions (wait for X minutes before running actions)
- Separate actions for Keypad and Manual locking/unlocking and per door actions
- Turning on lights if it’s dark outside
- Unlocking/locking secondary locks
- Opening/closing garage doors
- Notifications on type of lock/unlock (manual, code, keypad, bluetooth, rfid etc)
- Running routines
- Changing modes
- Arming/Disarming SHM/ADT
- Turning on/off switches
- Custom notifications settings (who and how many)
- Define rules when to run and not run actions
Define Door Open/Close actions such as
- Automatically relocking the door when it’s closed
- Automatically unlocking the deadbolt if it’s extended, while door is open
- Ringing chimes when door is opened
- Notifications if door is left open
- Define actions for each door separately
- and lots more…