*** No longer supported *** [RELEASE] My Next Manager for your Nest® products: migrated to custom capabilities (home/away, motion, presence, and more)!

A contribution fee is required due to the amount of work for the design, development, and testing of the devices (equivalent of a few cups of coffee).

The installation steps have been updated to reflect the fact that the installation can now proceed under the new SmartThings mobile app.

To download the SmartThings code, go to www.ecomatiqhomes.com/store

_ For all Nest users regardless if you have a Nest or Google account, my code can expose all your Nest Tstats, Protects, and Sensors under your Nest primary account (except the ones from a partner program such as with an utility).

Automation variables available for your scenarios

MyNextTstat In Fahrenheit with motion/presence according to your device/firmware capabilities


MyNextTstat In Celsius

MyNextAlarm (For Protects) with motion/presence according to your device/firmware capabilities

MyNextSensor with Switch capability to make it active or inactive at Nest

_ MyNextManager leverages the standard ST UI (for faster rendering on both Android & iOS) & all ST standard capabilities plus new features from the Nest APIs for better synergy between the 2 ecosystems (ex. comfort & energy saving tips with the NestGetTips smartapp and voice commands).

_MyNextManager (service manager for My Next devices) now uses the Nest Web APis (not the “official” APIs as they have ended since August 31, 2019). The Web APIs don’t have the strict rate limiting as the old APIs and they are as reponsive as the native Nest application.

_ MyNextTstat now natively supports the following commands:

  • HomeOrAway: to set the structure to Home or Away
  • setTargetHumidity: to set a target humidity level.
  • You can also call the following custom commands for more control over your Nest Tstat. MyNextTstat (v3.2) introduces new dual fuel commands for dualFuel/alt/emergency heating.

    • setThermostatFanSchedule: to create fan schedules at your tstat
    • setThermostatFanTimer: to set the fan timer in minute
    • setHotWaterBoost: to set a boiler’s hotWaterBoost timer in minutes (Europe)
    • setDualFuelBreakpointTemp: if you have dualFuel/alt/emergency heating, you can set the breakpoint temperature for switching to dualFuel/alt/emergency heating
    • setDualFuelBreakpointMode: You can set the following mode for alt/emergency/dual heating: “DUALFUEL_BREAKPOINT_ALWAYS_ALT” or “DUALFUEL_BREAKPOINT_ALWAYS_PRIMARY”. This allows finer control of your dualFuel/alt/emergency heating.
  • For the full list of attributes, capabilities & commands supported,refer to the ST community wiki:


_And, MyNextAlarm (for the Nest Protect) now with motion capability (wired Protects only)!


_MyNextManager (service manager for My Next devices) also fully supports the Nest sensor (as a temperature sensor) in ST.

The code has been designed to work with an ecosystem of smartapps acting as “micro services”. The design is NOT a big monolytic application which limits its evolutivity and maintenance.

A contribution fee is required due to the amount of work for the design, development, and testing of the devices (equivalent of a few cups of coffee).

To download the SmartThings code, go to www.ecomatiqhomes.com/store

With your contribution, some complimentary smartapps are also available at my github for the most common use cases:

Here are some common use cases covered by the complimentary smartapps:

1) Setting your thermostat to Eco or Home based on ST hello modes

See the NestChangeMode smartapp.

2) Controlling your smart vents based on your indoor temp/motion sensors in conjunction with your thermostat’s programs & setpoints

Or See the more advanced (paid ) ScheduleTstatZones and ScheduleRoomTempControl smartapp

3) Turning off or setting your thermostat(s) to Away/eco when Window or Door contacts are open and restoring your thermostat mode when they are closed

See the WindowOrDoorOpen! smartapp.

4) Trigger to turn on/off or flash some switch(es) and/or execute hello phrases (routines) based on the thermostatOperatingState

See the TstatStateTriggerHA smartapp.

5) Sending your Tstat’s state changes to groveStreams for data analytics

See the groveStreams smartapp

6) Monitoring and setting your indoor humidity level using your humidifer/dehumidifer (when connected to Nest) and some humidifier/dehumidifier switch(es)

See the MonitorAndSetNestHumidity smartapp.

New releases:
MyNextManagerV3.5: polling optimisation for large Nest installation base

MyNextManagerV3.4: better cache handling for all structures & objects

MyNextTstatV3.3,MyNextSensorV3,MyNextManagerV3.3.2:New versions for faster caching and Switch capability in MyNextSensor!

MyNextTstatV3.2.3: Correction to setTargetHumidity()

MyNextTstatV3.2: new commands for finer control over dualFuel/alt/emergency heating

MyNextManagerV3.1, new version of the ServiceManager for easier integration of Google Account users

MyNextManagerV3,MyNextTstatV3.1,MyNextAlarmV3 (For Protects): new UI presentation for MyNextTstat with added custom set Target Humidity capability

MyNextManagerV3,MyNextTstatV3,MyNextAlarmV3 (For Protects): new UI presentation with added custom capability for Nest Away/Home settings and humidity/presence values

MyNextManager v2.6.6, MyNextTstat v2.4.6
Corrected fanActive() method to avoid cast exception

MyNextManager v2.6.6, MyNextTstat v2.4.5, MyNextAlarm v2.4.5
Corrected inversion of Inactive/Active motion status

MyNextManager v2.6.6, MyNextTstat v2.4.2, MyNextAlarm v2.4.4
Corrected away & present methods in DTHs

MyNextManager v2.6.5, MyNextTstat v2.4.1, MyNextAlarm v2.4.3, MyNextSensorV2.1.6
Corrected fanActive() method, corrected is_online attribute in Protects, changed cache parameter

MyNextManager v2.6.3, MyNextTstat v2.4, MyNextAlarm v2.4.2, MyNextSensorV2.1.6
Added setThermostatFanSchedule command for scheduling fan based on fan_duty_start_time & fan_duty_end_time attributes

MyNextManager v2.6.2, MyNextTstat v2.3.8, MyNextAlarm v2.4.2, MyNextSensorV2.1.6
Service manager optimization to avoid state variable’s size limitation, new ocfDeviceType for better display in new Samsung connect app

MyNextManager v2.5.7, MyNextTstat v2.3.7, MyNextAlarm v2.4.2, MyNextSensorV2.1.6
Service manager optimization to avoid too many devices in memory for large Nest installations

MyNextManager v2.5.3, MyNextTstat v2.3.6, MyNextAlarm v2.4.1 Added motion capability to Nest Tstats, corrected last_connection and is_online attribute for Nest Protects

MyNextManagerv2.5.2, MyNextTstatV2.3.5,MyNextAlarmV2.4 with Motion Capability

MyNextManager (v2.5.2), MyNextTstat (v2.3.4), MyNextAlarm (v2.3.2) Optimization for faster queries to the Nest Web APIs

MyNextManagerV2.5, MyNextTstatV2.3,MyNextAlarmV2.2 : added presence capability, structure data & methods, rcs (sensors) & may other tstat attributes

MyNextTstatV2.1.9 - Corrected the home() method to revert back from eco mode.

MyNextManager (v2.3) and MyNextTstat (v2.1.7) - reduced caching to avoid stale data as much as possible, minor optimization, added some aux & emergency heating attributes

New versions of MyNextManager (v2.2), MyNextTstat (v2.1.5), MyNextAlarm (V2.1.4), MyNextSensor (v2.1.4)

MyNextManager (v2) & MyNextDevices: major versions based on the Nest Web APIs as the WWN (official APIs) program has ended since August 31,2019

My Next Manager (v1.4.3): minor correction for avoiding timeouts when creating many Nest devices

New version of My Next Tstat (v1.1.9) to fix the getWeatherAtribute() call

New version of MyNextManager (v1.4) to correct blank Nest Login Page issue

New Next device versions for automatic removal of forcefully removed Nest devices from ST

MyNextManager app (v1.3) with easier installation steps- no developer account required

New MyNextTstat and MyNextAlarm device versions

New version of MyNext devices (v1.1) with improved “replay” logic for greater resilience in case of outages

MyNextTstat (v1.0g) with setETA & cancelETA commands for Geofencing logic

My Next Devices (v1.0e) with new security attribute - NEST API changes

The code has been optimized to allow you to poll your Nest devices with high refresh rates (every minute if needed) for your HA scenarios in order to avoid missing any important event!

List of events (with a refresh rate of 1 minute):

My Next devices (MyNextTstat, MyNextAlarm) allow you to expose your Nest Learning Thermostat™ , Nest Protect™, and Nest Sensor™ to ST with the following features:

  • High performance throughput which enables the Next devices to be polled with different intervals down to the minute (also depending on your use cases and the number of devices).

I’ve tested the code at several user locations with up to 7 devices in order to achieve the best performances using advanced caching mechanism and distributed computing techniques.

  • Their unique design is based on a minimum number of state & atomicState variables for more resilience. See the effect of state variables here:
  • Just like for MyEcobee device, the code can “replay” failed commands up to 10 times over a period of an hour in case of SmartThings/Nest (temporary) outages.

To download the SmartThings code, go to www.ecomatiqhomes.com/store

I’ve developed more than 10k lines of code for integrating the Nest devices into ST.

  • The code exposes all the relevant Nest API capabilities (including your home structure in order to set your devices to home or away ):

    • MyNextTstat: based on the work I’ve done with MyEcobee device, I’ve created this new device for the Nest thermostat. You’ll find the same level of resilience with some comfort & energy saving tips for the Nest…
    • MyNextAlarm: exposes your Nest Protect’s attributes for Home Automation and integration with SHM
    • MyNextSensor: exposes the temperatureMeasurement capability.

All screenshots here:

_Service Manager (with Ask Alexa Integration for verbal notifications of Daily/Weekly Summary Reports)


_Next Devices


  • All My Next Devices’ capabilities & attributes are exposed for easier integration with Rule Engines (SmartRules, Core or others)

Refer to:


- The code unlocks all Nest’s APIs features.

- The code has been designed to work with my ecosystem of Zoned Heating/Cooling smartapps.

- My NextTstat is also able to give you “energy savings and comfort tips” based on actual indoor/outdoor conditions at your home.

Refer to

You can also use the AskAlexa Integration as indicated here for verbal “play/repeat tips” commands:


The following indoor/outdoor metrics will be processed by My NextTstat’s heuristic rule engine to provide “comfort and energy saving tips”:

  • current Indoor Humidity
  • current Indoor Temperature
  • current OutdoorTemperature
  • Ideal target Indoor Humidity calculated based on outdoor temp
  • average of Indoor Temperature over a given period of time (ex.weekly)
  • average outdoor temperature in the period
  • standard deviation of Indoor Temperature in the period
  • standard deviation of Outdoor Temperature in the period
  • count of Hold commands sent to thermostat

- If you have the Ask Alexa smartapp (developed by MichaelS), installed under SmartThings, I’ve also integrated some voice reports in the Service Manager (last page) that give you a summary of all events related to MyNext devices for the past day/week (optional)

For example, for MyNextTstat device, you’ll get the following summary voice report:

At your home, your Nest thermostat is in cool mode.In the past day,in the room Hallway where the thermostat MyTstat Hallway (My Nest) is located, there were 2 hold(s) observed, and 1 schedule change(s),your Nest thermostat’s setpoint was 22.0 degrees in average.The Nest’s minimum setpoint was 18.3 degrees on 2018-01-11 07:40,and the Nest’s maximum setpoint was 24.5 degrees on 2018-01-11 07:42

For MyNextAlarm, here is another summary voice report:

At your home,in the past 7 days,in the room Downstairs where the Nest Protect MyAlarm Downstairs (6EC0) is located,there were 1 event(s) triggered by the Nest Protect, which include the following,1 battery event(s).The current battery state is ok

- As a reminder, I have also built many smartapps to control any room thermostats (ex. eTRVs, minisplits, window units) and ST connected smart vents (Flair, Keen Home, EcoNet, etc.) with many smart features such as:

_ creation of virtual zone devices with delta temp (+/-) adjustment per zoned rooms activated by schedule
_ avg/median/min/max temp calculations for your thermostat's setpoints adjustment based on all your ST connected sensors (similar to the ecobee's follow me feature)
_ alternative cooling also activated by schedule
_ control of your vents based on any ST temp/motion/contact/presence sensors
_ built-in safeguards amongst others, the HVAC static pressure check based on some pressure differential 
_ ability to set your thermostat to Away or Present based on all your ST motion sensors (similar to ecobee's smart away feature)

Here are the names of the relevant zoned heating/cooling smartapps: (smart vents are optional)

For the Nest thermostat and slave z-wave or zigbee thermostats,


_This last smartapp has less features but can control the vents based on rooms’ temp thresholds.



For more details, refer to

** Special thanks to William R. and Rich C. for their support during the beta testing.


It has Ask Alexa integration? Be sure to update the wiki or I can. Great work!

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I will also list this in my next Friday update!

Yes, it does with new weekly and daily voice reports for all NEST products. I’m leveraging your Ask Alexa smartapp to the max!!

I will also send you some updates for the Get Tips, Play/Repeat Tip commands soon as My NextTstat supports those verbal commands as well.


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Congrats @yvesracine on your release it’s nice to finally have someone else’s help in filling in the Nest space.


So are you certified with Works With Nest now?

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I thought the nest was inferior to the Ecobee?

That’s great news.
I spent months trying to jump through there hoop and they wouldn’t certify me because I was using tricks to get the camera stream translated from the streaming URL and had graphing history and had functions that would override the nests Home/Away. The final nail was i had no way to secure the client id and secret.

Will this allow me to integrate my Nest Cam in to ST without making it public?

Sorry, sadly, it’s not possible as with the other Nest Integration,


That’s what I thought but was hoping. I guess it’s probably never going to happen at this point.

Nest did a pretty good job encrypting the Secure stream :expressionless:

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Thank you for this. I have been wanting to put my Nest on my ST but the whole Nest Developers account issue was a challenge for me. But now I have a new snag. I created the Nest Developers account as directed, I have a Product ID and a Product Secret key. But when I go to put them into the OAuth, it asks me to Enable OA in SmartApp ( a button to click ). When I click that button, the Client ID and Client Secret fields are listed as Auto-Generated and it won’t let me paste anything in. What now?


You need to copy and paste the product Id and product private key under Settings/AppSettings (not under oAuth)… Sorry, I will update the wiki to be clearer.

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So you are a certified Works with Nest product and the end user still needs to create a developer account?

That’s different doesn’t sound any more certified than NST Manager


Thank you! I knew it was something silly I was doing and I was terrified I was going to screw it up :slight_smile:
And kudos for the super fast reply!! Can’t wait to start playing with this.

If I can make a suggestion…add a screenshot of what the IDE in that area.


Will do later…

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I went to your site and then to the GitHub link but I can’t find anything about the new nest software.

I usually stay out of the weeds on stuff like this, but I feel the need to clarify a few things since I am being named on this thread.

  1. Any developer that signs up for an account with Nest is allowed to use the logos and other branding on their own website and Yves does have permission from the Nest team to use the WWN logo and other branding materials on his own website.
  2. As far as I can tell, this device type handler has not been certified by Nest in any way.
  3. These discussions about paid products, their support, and how to install should be moved to the vendors website.

Please keep these discussions civil and keep the topics directed towards the benefit of the community. I would suggest that if the community feels that a particular topic is spammy or more marketing than an actual community discourse that they flag it as such and leave it at that. It does no one any good to back and forth in an argument that never concludes.