I’ve heard that Tado has good integration with SmartThings…
I have released v2.7 of my Tado (Connect) SmartApp
[image] [image] [image] [image]
Full Install instructions and links to the Device Handlers are available on the link below.
I have now moved the Tado SmartApps And Device types to a new Tado Repository to make things easier for those with Github Integration in the IDE. you now need to enter my repository details to install or update the app
Namespace: fuzzysb
Repository: Tado
Branch: master
Change Log
v2.7 For anyone experiencing issues of not being able to control AC devices, please update to the latest Smartapp and device handler code as this should now fix your issues.
v2.6 Fixed Commands for those with Heat Cool that do not support Fan Modes
v2.5 Amended bug where Hot water type was set to WATER, Instead or HOT_WATER, with …
And,there is also Energenie (mi Home):
Announcing the new MiHome (Connect) smart app and device types. This enables you to connect Smartthings with certain MiHome Energenie products.
NOTE: This smart app requires the MiHome Gateway to function.
Author - @Alyc100
getCSSData and HTMLTile elements - @tonesto7
Tireless Testers
@Lloyd_Williams @aaf2001 @inpier
This integration is provided completely free of charge and is open source. If however you really feel like it, you can make a donation here
#Latest Versions
Ensure you install the latest versions of both the Smart App and Device Handler
IMPORTANT: If using MiHome Adapter Device Handler release dated on or before 08/11/2016, please manually remove all MiHome Adapter devices from SmartThings before upgrading to 09/11/2016 and later releases. You can re-add th…
There is a new pop eTRV DTH available:
I bought one of these and found it very had to find a DH, had to do a lot of seaching in the fourms. Ive done some work on it so you can update the interval and it sets the time weekly, as these didnt seam to work
There is the Eurotronics TRV here:
OK SO I’ve decided to order one of these:
Eurotronics Spirit TRV
and try and integrate it. It’ll be arriving on monday
I’ll be borrowing heavily from the Danfoss and eCozy DH’s to try and get this set up.
If anyone has any advice or has started making progress on this already I’d be happy for the input or to help with their integration.
Looking forward to getting my hands dirty
The Drayton Wiser TRV:
Hi all
Just bought the Drayton wiser home thermostat system and have just finished setting them up (very easy to set up)
First impressions are pretty good but it is very early days.
I believe it is a new system so at the moment no integration with ST or IFTTT
As anyone else used this system yet and any ideas if it could be integrated with ST.
And, the Danfoss eTRV with the following custom DTH:
BTW, somebody sent me some IDE screenshots of the danFoss thermostatw DTH, and the DTH lacks some basic thermostat capabilities & attributes (i.e., thermostatMode, thermostatOperatingState, thermostatFanMode - even if the attributes don’t always apply, they should be present).
I don’t know who is the DTH author, but she/he should modify the DTH to make it more standard. Otherwise, no other smartapps can use the thermostat as it is.
EDIT: I found this DTH that seems to be more standard:
And finally, the new Hive TRV
In any case, you may want to look into my zoned Heating/cooling solutions which can simplify a lot your eTRVs zone management for you.
For example, you can configure your rooms/zones/schedules and the smartapp can automatically turn on/off the right eTRVs and synchronize your setpoints based on your Nest (or any other ST connected thermostat) according to your own requirements (with some temp delta for colder/hotter rooms; you can also create virtual zone devices for easier control)…
For more details (and use cases), refer to the ST community wiki:
P.S. It would be quite complex to reproduce the same logic in webCore (more than 5K lines of code)…I have several contributors who are using my smartapp with the same setup.
EDIT: If you want an easier install for your Nest products (you don’t need to create a Nest developer account and copy/paste all the Nest permissions) and more resilience to any ST or Nest outages, look at My Next Manager:
A contribution fee is required due to the amount of work for the design, development, and testing of the devices (equivalent of a few cups of coffee).
The installation steps have been updated to reflect the fact that the installation can now proceed under the new SmartThings mobile app.
To download the SmartThings code, go to www.ecomatiqhomes.com/store
_ For all Nest users regardless if you have a Nest or Google account, my code can expose all your Nest Tstats, Protects, and Sensors under your Nest primary account (except the ones from a partner program such as with an utility).
Automation variables available for your scenarios
MyNextTstat In Fahrenheit with motion/presence according to y…