Latest on thermostatic radiator valves


I’ve heard that Tado has good integration with SmartThings…

And,there is also Energenie (mi Home):

There is a new pop eTRV DTH available:

There is the Eurotronics TRV here:

The Drayton Wiser TRV:

And, the Danfoss eTRV with the following custom DTH:

And finally, the new Hive TRV

In any case, you may want to look into my zoned Heating/cooling solutions which can simplify a lot your eTRVs zone management for you.

For example, you can configure your rooms/zones/schedules and the smartapp can automatically turn on/off the right eTRVs and synchronize your setpoints based on your Nest (or any other ST connected thermostat) according to your own requirements (with some temp delta for colder/hotter rooms; you can also create virtual zone devices for easier control)…

For more details (and use cases), refer to the ST community wiki:

P.S. It would be quite complex to reproduce the same logic in webCore (more than 5K lines of code)…I have several contributors who are using my smartapp with the same setup.


EDIT: If you want an easier install for your Nest products (you don’t need to create a Nest developer account and copy/paste all the Nest permissions) and more resilience to any ST or Nest outages, look at My Next Manager: