*** No longer supported *** [RELEASE] My Next Manager for your Nest® products: migrated to custom capabilities (home/away, motion, presence, and more)!


Just want to inform my contributors and all Nest users that new versions of MyNextManager (v3.4), MyNextTstat(v3.4), MyNextSensor(V3.0) can be downloaded at my e-commerce solution provider (sellfy) using the original download link.

You can download the Next devices at my store:


  • The new MyNextManager v3.4 brings better cache handling for all structures & objects

  • All you need to do is to copy &paste the new code over the existing smartapp under the IDE

  • Prior to the code upload, you’d just need to save the tokens info and restore it after the copy & paste.

  • Since V3 of MyNextDevices, the UI presentation adds the following commands for controlling your HVAC:

    • setTargetHumidity: to control your humidity inside your home via your dehumidifier/humidifier connected to Nest
    • Nest Home or Away: to set your Nest structure to Home or Away.

And, the following commands for your favorite Rule Engine (Webcore, Sharptools):

  • setHotWaterBoost: to set a boiler’s hotWaterBoost timer in minutes (Europe)
  • setThermostatFanSchedule: to create fan schedules at your tstat
  • setThermostatFanTimer: to set the fan timer in minutes
  • setDualFuelBreakpointTemp: if you have dualFuel/alt/emergency heating, you can set the breakpoint temperature for switching to dualFuel/alt/emergency heating
  • setDualFuelBreakpointMode: You can set the following mode for alt/emergency/dual heating: “DUALFUEL_BREAKPOINT_ALWAYS_ALT” or “DUALFUEL_BREAKPOINT_ALWAYS_PRIMARY”. This command allows finer control of your dualFuel/alt/emergency heating.

You can download the Next devices at my store:




On top of it, there are many complimentary smartapps designed for My NextTstat DTH and are located at my github.

You can also refer to the 1st post of this thread for all the use cases supported.

**MyNextManagerV3.4, MyNextTstatV3.4, MyNextAlarmV3 (For Protects),MyNextSensorV3 are available at my store:

