Turning off a Nest controlled heat/air conditioning system after a open door/window sensor


Yes, I have a simple smartapp for that use case called “WindowOrDoorOpen” at my github. The smartapp can work for a Nest or any other ST connected thermostat which follows the ST standard capabilities (and handle the “off” or “eco” commands).

  • You can select multiple door/window contacts (up to 30 can be managed in a single instance, 6 open contacts can be tracked at the same time). You get tjhe relevant contact message (open/close) for each tracked contact (not a generic message).
  • You can define the number of minutes between notifications (ex. notifications every 2 minutes)
  • (optional) You can define a threshold for turning off the Nest Tstat (ex. after 5 minutes)
  • (optional) You can integrate a voice notification using speakers
  • You can define a max number of notifications (ex. 2 notifications max).
  • You can set a flag to set the thermostats to eco/away mode instead of turning them off.

Refer to:

Or the github integration:

Owner yracine
Repo Name SmartThingsPublic
Branch master
