[ST Edge] Driver for GE/Jasco/Honeywell Z-Wave Switches, Dimmers, Fans, Outlets, and Plug-Ins

This is an Edge driver for GE/Jasco/Honeywell Z-Wave switches, dimmers, fans, outlets, and plug-ins, covering the range of generations from the legacy non-Plus devices to the current Z-Wave Plus devices with central scene support. Depending on the capabilities of the particular model, the driver supports:

  • Setting configuration parameters
  • Adding nodes to association groups 2 (load) and 3 (double tap)
  • Double/triple tap button events
  • Hub is automatically added to association group 3 for models that support double tap but do not support central scene

The list of fingerprints currently included can be found here. If you have a model that’s not included, let me know and I’ll look into adding it.

To install:

Use the following link to enroll in the channel and install the driver on your hub: Channel Invitation

If your device is already using an Edge driver, you can use the driver utility in the app to switch drivers.

If your device is currently using a Groovy DTH, you will need to exclude and then add it back to SmartThings to pick up this driver. If you have any custom Groovy DTHs installed that have the device’s fingerprint, either delete the DTH or comment out the fingerprint before attempting to re-join the device.



Thanks for developing and sharing. I will give it a try.

EDIT: I have 2 GE switches working using this driver and they are working fine. One is an older 14292 and one is a newer 46201.


I have a 14294 and its working perfectly , doubble tap work.
I already set like i want .
Will let you know if i found something.
Thank you @philh30


Is yours the toggle (46202) or paddle (46201)? I’m trying to track what’s verified as working and realized I had both set to be named 46201 when joined.

The 46201 is the paddle style.

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Wouldn’t (shouldn’t) Smartthings be making edge drivers for these switches? I have way too many on these, and no desire to remove and rejoin them, and then redo the automation.


At some point ST will transition your devices to Edge drivers without requiring any action on your part - no exclude/include. The process should be seamless for you, and they’ll map your devices to an appropriate stock driver. It’s completely ok to wait for ST to transition your devices, since that should be less disruptive for you.

ST has written an Edge driver for z-wave switches, and if you wait then that will likely be what your GE switches are mapped to. In its current state, that driver has all the basic functionality covered, but none of the additional features like configuration parameters, association, or double tap. After the transition, you’ll be able to swap drivers just like you can swap DTHs, and there may be other community options to choose from by then.


Could you add the following relay to your driver. It currently uses the “Z-wave switch generic” DTH.


If you have a model that’s not included, let me know and I’ll look into adding it.

Would LOVE to see the Motion DImmer switches family (26931/26933) added!

@Paul_Oliver My intended scope for this driver is just the Jasco-made devices. I’ll follow up via PM.

I actually just ordered one of the motion switches after seeing the rave reviews from @nathancu. Should be here tomorrow, so stay tuned.


I have a couple of recently purchased Jasco in wall outlets: mfr:0063 prod:4952 model:3233

Added. I couldn’t find anything on that model, but I found 3235 which supports central scene. I’ve put yours in the central scene profile assuming it’s the same. The choice of profiles only matters for the button events (which you may not care about on an outlet) so if you find that double tap isn’t working I can shift it to a different profile.

I recently asked about this, and the answer I received is that there is a difference in this regard between groovy DTHs and edge drivers.

With a groovy DTH, you can just manually assign it to any DTH you want.

With an edge driver, the fingerprint of that specific device must be listed in the driver, or the driver must’ve been written to specifically accept a generic pairing, which not all do.

Hard to tell how much of an issue this will be once everything goes live, but I just thought I’d mention it.


So while this transition from groovy DTHs to Edge Drivers is going on, how can I tell while devices are using DTHs and which are using Edge Drivers?

@damohabir If you log into the Groovy IDE and list your devices, those devices using a driver will be of type “placeholder”. Alternatively, if you list your devices using the CLI, those using a device handler will be type “DTH” while those using a driver will be type “ZWAVE”.


When the device is open in the app click on the 3 dots on top right corner. If driver is an option it is using an Edge Driver.


I know the IDE will list device fingerprints for all devices that use a DTH. Is there an equivalent in the CLI yet? I have a few devices that were initially added with the samsung generic switch driver, and I’m not sure how to view the fingerprint.

Also, what should the hexid be in devices that are using drivers? A device network ID is no longer shown in the IDE.

If you use the -y or -j flags when running devices in the CLI then you’ll get a lot more info, including the fingerprint and network ID.

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I had some time today, and I wanted to see what it is like to install an edge driver. So I decided to install this one and change one switch over to use the driver. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to install. So now I have one switch using this driver. However, IDE is showing that this is now “cloud” execution instead “local” execution. Did I do something wrong?

Name ge-switch-legacy
Label Basement Light
Type placeholder
Version Published
Group Basement
Last Activity At 2021-12-29 11:13 AM EST
Date Created 2021-12-29 11:10 AM EST
Last Updated 2021-12-29 11:12 AM EST
Data No data found for device
Current States No states found
Execution Location Cloud
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