I’ve never seen a Jasco switch with that functionality. Smart bulb mode is a feature that’s usually prominently advertised, so if you need that in a switch make sure you see it on the product description before buying. Zooz and Inovelli are two of the manufacturers that I’m aware of that are including that option on their devices.
We’re in the middle of a transition away from DTHs written in Groovy. The replacement, Edge drivers written in Lua, is in developer beta. There’s a topic with an overview of the transition so I won’t go into further detail here. If you’re starting to play around with DTHs as a programmer, I’d recommend you look at Edge instead. For the GE/Jasco devices that work with this DTH, I have an Edge driver that you can find here.
That’s not a standard function, so it does whatever it was designed to do by the person who wrote the DTH.