Post Requests for Zwave Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

At the request of the community Developers, we will now have three similar request Threads: one for Z wave devices, one for Zigbee devices, and one for LAN devices. Please make sure you are posting your request in the correct thread or the right community developer might not see it.

Here’s the thread for Zigbee requests:

Post Requests for Zigbee Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

there is a list of existing custom edge drivers in the community – created wiki, so check there first to see if there’s already a driver for the device you need.

FAQ: Using the quick browse lists without the community wiki - #3 by JDRoberts

If you can’t find one on the quick browse lists, please help save the time of the community developers who are working very hard on these by first reading this whole thread to see if someone has already requested the model you were looking for. I know it seems like a lot of work, but it will be better for everyone if the developers can spend their time working on edge Drivers rather than reading duplicate requests.

If you can’t find one on the quick browse lists in the wiki and one has not already been requested for that model in this thread, you can ask here if any community developer would be interested in creating one.

Now that there are a number of community members writing edge drivers, we are also starting to see lots of random requests for additional device models showing up in all kinds of other threads, which gets confusing. :thinking:

The reason is understandable: edge drivers work best if the specific device “fingerprint“ is included, sometimes it’s as simple as adding just a fingerprint to an existing edge driver. But sometimes there’s more to it than that.

Anyway, this thread is so you can post a request for a community – created edge driver for a specific brand/model If one has not already been created or requested.


You will need to post the fingerprint information as part of your request. (if you were previously using the device with a DTH, it’s also helpful if you give the specific name of that DTH.)

If you have the device already added, Even just as a “thing,” you can find the fingerprint on the advanced page of the web interface. Make sure you copy the mfr and model information exactly: capitalization counts. For most developers, you can just post a screenshot. ( I don’t think there’s anyone using a voice reader. If so, they can let us know if they need the information in plain text.)

You can also find it in the community created API browser plus utility.

Please do not post these requests in other threads unless you are just asking that a fingerprint be added to an existing edge driver, in which case post in the author thread about that specific edge driver.

No guarantees that the driver will be created, but at least this will keep the forum organized. :sunglasses:


Developers: if you need to ask questions about the device or start a longer conversation, please start an individual topic for it and link to it from a post in this thread. I’d like to keep this thread to a maximum of two posts per device per developer: one requesting a driver, and one responding to that request. (Of course more than one developer might respond, you never know.)

Have fun: it’s a brave new world out there. :rocket:


If you’re trying to write your own edge driver and you have any questions about that, you can get help in the developer support section:

Support - SmartThings Community

or in the section on writing edge drivers:

Writing Edge Drivers - SmartThings Community

A note about “fingerprints”

You will see a lot of discussion of “fingerprints“ with respect to edge drivers. A “fingerprint“ is the smartthings’ term for a numeric code representing the manufacturer and model number of a device. Zigbee and zwave Devices will send this information to the hub at the time that they join the network for the first time.

@jds13 had a very good post on the details

@iquix @Mariano_Colmenarejo @TAustin @ygerlovin @philh30 @veonua


Hello to the creators! :grinning::grinning:

What available data do I need to create the drivers? (Zwave and Zigbee)
Not for unnecessary things!


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I want to jump in near the top with a few points:

  • Edge is in beta. Consider whether participating in the beta is appropriate for your willingness/ability to troubleshoot issues.

  • Is your device currently using a stock DTH? ST is working to transition those to Edge. Consider waiting for the official driver, which will be supported by ST staff. The vast majority of zigbee and z-wave devices will be supported by stock drivers, which will be maintained by ST staff.

  • Is your device currently running local with a stock DTH? If so, you probably don’t have anything to gain from moving to Edge before the official transition.

  • Is your device a unicorn that has never functioned properly with the stock DTHs and always required custom code? These are the situations where the community will need to fill the gap. Consider discussing with other users in the existing device topic to see if anyone is willing to take the lead on driver development. It’s very difficult to develop drivers for complicated/non-standard devices if you don’t own one to test on.


Thanks @JDRoberts for creating this thread. Makes a lot of sense to group requests all in one place, and with clear info about what’s required for someone if they were interested in taking up the challenge

The device I have a number of are Greenwave Powernodes. I currently use the DTH provided by David Lomas (codersaur) here: SmartThings/devices/greenwave-powernode-single at master · codersaur/SmartThings · GitHub

The Raw Description for one of the devices from the IDE is as follows:

zw:L type:1001 mfr:0099 prod:0002 model:0002 ver:4.23 zwv:3.33 lib:03 cc:25,32,72,86,20,71,70,27,85,87,75,56

They’ve been great (even if a little large), so I’ve seen no reason to replace them as of yet with something more modern…




Hi, I agree with what you say…

My devices are all working, I just want them to work locally…

But the truth is, they work… I thought if they were already locally they would be faster… But I have no problem waiting for the official transition!

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1393 posts were merged into an existing topic: Post Requests for Zigbee Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

There’s an existing thread with requests for edge drivers for some of the newer Aeotec zwave devices.

My own guess would be that these will be available as stock drivers by the time edge is out of beta, but I don’t know for sure. :thinking:

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No points for guessing my request, I have been pretty vocal since ST killed codersaurs version of

FIBARO RGBW Zwave controler

2 variants I am aware of 441 and 442, I have 441 and I do not know what 442 offered

Exceptional controlers with multiple options… no seriously, multiple options in settings and an excellent selection of built in special affects

If anyone fancies a go these devices will tax your patience


It would be great if someone could make a new integration for the Monoprice 6 zone amplifier like the one made here years ago.

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I was recommended to ask for a driver for a Heatit Z-TRM3 z-wave thermostat here. Can anyone help?

Fingerprint: fingerprint mfr: “019B”, prod: “0003”, model: “0203”

I’m using the below DHT:


Is there any kind of polling or voting capability in this community tool? Requests are starting to pile up and I need a way to determine which ones have the highest interest so I can prioritize my focus…

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Anyone can create a poll, so if you yourself, as a developer, want to gauge interest just create a poll post and do it yourself for the devices you are trying to prioritize.

But in other cases it may just be a matter of a developer happening to have the same device or having a particular interest in a particular device, so I don’t think all the requests should be evaluated on the basis of community interest. Also, I’d be concerned that US requests would dominate a general poll just because of population size.

So I think it’s up to each developer to decide for themselves what they’d like to work on, if anything. If a poll helps you do that, go for it. :sunglasses:

Just say something like “I’d like to prioritize which edge driver I work on next. If you have an interest in any of the following, please vote for it.“

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Very helpful. Thank you!

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54 posts were merged into an existing topic: Post Requests for LAN Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

Happy 2022 to everyone. I was curious if there was any interest in creating a driver for the Homeseer FLS100+ Motion Sensor. I have never had this working locally and as I use a few of them for Blue Iris recording triggers, its created some apprehension when the internet goes down.

The data in the IDE is:
zw:L type:0701 mfr:000C prod:0201 model:000B ver:0.00 zwv:0.00 lib:00 cc:5E,85,59,55,86,72,5A,73,9F,6C,7A,71,25,31,70,30

and I use this DTH: fls100-motion-sensor


PS, a big thank you to @JDRoberts for helpling keep this place organized.


Driver request for:
Zen thermostat (zigbee)
Kwikset Convert z-wave lock
add fingerprints for all Keen vents.

Back in the good old days, many of use were using Monoprice open/close sensors as smoke detectors, moisture, sensors, security system, etc. These open/close sensors had a pair of contacts internally that wires can be attached to, and then used, along with the modified DTH, for other purposes. I use them as moisture sensors, smoke detectors, and security system arm/disarm detection. This is the DTH that was used.

Would appreciate Edge drivers for them.

Here is a thread on the discussion:


The stock Z-wave repeater edge driver works with the repeater portion of the CentraLite ZigBee plug, Z-wave repeater combo.

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Hold tight. ST will add this officially to the “Zwave Sensor” driver (hopefully soon) as it is a native ST local dth currently which would also include the identical Utilitec model

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Request for Driver for this Device. It is a Monoprice Door/Window sensor ZD2102US with internal contacts.

Data * MSR: 0109-2001-0102

  • endpointId: 0
  • networkSecurityLevel: ZWAVE_LEGACY_NON_SECURE
    Raw Description zw:L type:2001 mfr:0109 prod:2001 model:0102 cc:71,85,80,72,30,86,84