Hi @philh30
So I tested the above switches. The single switch with fingerprint 015F/3141/5102 was identified by the hub as a WYFY Switch. To my understanding, WYFY is/was a Singaporean company which re-branded MCOHome switches as WYFY - MCOHome itself being (to my knowledge) a Chinese brand. In fact, as per the ZWave Aliiance list, the 015F code is of MCOHome, NOT of WYFY, which does not appear to have a Manufacturer ID.
That said, the switch was included, and it took the Zwave Switch driver found in the beta, with the profile switch-multicomponent-4. To my surprise, it works a bit better than the old stock DTH did: It actually recognised the device as ONE single device, and therefore only one tile in the app. If you click the tile, you get a list of 4 switches in the one switch. This is the first real attempt by Smartthings to adrress a multi-endpoint switch and treat it like a proper single device - or at least, if there was a previous attempt I never came across it. When I tried with the old stock DTH for this device, it installed four separate devices for me. The following are the screenshots from the app, the device in question being the WYFY Switch one (see first screenshot). the other 2 screenshots are wht appears after you click that tile.
So yes, that looked good. But then I noticed the names of the buttons: Main, Switch1, Switch2, and Switch 3. I tested quickly noticed that both Main and Switch1 refer to button 1, Switch2 refers to button 2, Switch3 refers to button 3. There is no way of controlling button 4. Main and Switch1 do the same thing together, if you switch one on, the other goes on, etc. I have reported these as flaws in a separate post on this community (The End of Groovy Has Arrived - #202 by martin.borg), but perhaps I should open a ticket with Smartthings.
That said, I also tried adding the fingerprints of the other S314 MCOHome switches to the code. They actually install, though with the same problems as the switch above, but also with an added problem: the hub (and therefore the app) never knows if any button on the switch is physically turned on or off from the switch itself. I know that this is related to the version of the switches, I had a long thread on here several months back and I understand it’s something to do with the Basic Command Set, but it gets too technical for me to understand with my limited knowledge of Zwave - and development. So, even if Smartthings fix the above problem for me (which one would expect them to do given that the fingerprint is in there), I would still be stuck with this other problem that will affect 40 switches in my home, and will have a huge effect on the automation associated with these switches.
What do you think should be my next steps?
Wait for Smartthings to fix their driver for the 015F/3141/5102, then pick this up again?
Do some monitoring with a computer “running the CLI”, as you suggested, even before the Smartthings fix? I do have the CLI running on my laptop but not sure how to do the monitoring you suggested.
Finally, I wanted to ask - should I keep this conversation in here? I just saw a post by @JDRoberts: Post Requests for Edge Drivers Here (community-created), and thought perhaps my request for a driver should have gone in there.
Many thanks in advance.