Community developers work on whatever they want to, whether there are other existing drivers or not. People have their own reasons for why they want to do so. And it’s up to them whether they choose to share them with other people or not.
Although there’s no official way of looking things up, we do have two resources in the community-created wiki which can make the search much easier.
First, The quick browse lists should show all of the existing community – created edge drivers that the authors have chosen to share publicly. The lists are divided by device type, so one list for sensors, one list for locks, etc.
There are also links for manufacturer-provided custom edge Drivers when the manufacturers have shared those publicly.
Second, we have a brand new page in the community-created wiki, which will eventually, hopefully, be a table where you can look up devices by model and see both the stock edge driver and any publicly available community-created custom edge drivers. You can sort on different columns if you want to see things in a different sort order
This is brand new, so while everything there is accurate, if a device is missing it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no edge driver available yet: it may just be that no one has added the entry to the table.
Table of Edge Drivers - Things That Are Smart Wiki
Finally, we do have a request topic in this forum where you can request that a community developer create a custom edge Driver or add the fingerprint to an existing custom edge Driver. Please do everyone a favor and check the quick browse lists first and then if you can’t find a custom driver there, read through the whole request thread to see if other people have already requested that model. That saves the developers time, and we definitely want them spending their time creating new edge drivers, not just reading duplicate requests. No guarantees, but most of the active community developers do read that thread.
Post Requests for Edge Drivers Here (community-created)
Another place you can check is to look in the author thread for the custom groovy DTH you have been using and see if anyone has posted an alternative there.
I know this is a lot of work and I keep hoping that smartthings will come up with the equivalent of our table with an official database, but so far that hasn’t happened. So the community just has to try to fill the gaps as best we can.
(I don’t know what the official process is for requesting an additional fingerprint be added to a production edge driver: if anybody does know, please post.)