We used to have a community wiki, but the person who was paying for hosting it has moved on and it’s no longer available.
So now you have three choices.
first check to see if the device manufacturer offers one. For example, Aeotec, zooz, Inovelli, and Homeseer do. But most manufacturers do not.
as @h0ckeysk8er mentioned, check the quick browse lists. These are designed to make searching this forum faster.
If you don’t find it from one and two, you can check the community request Threads to see if someone has already requested it. If not, you can add a new request. Make sure you read the first post in that thread carefully as it explains what information you will need to post to make a request.
There is one request list for Z wave, one for Zigbee, and one for LAN devices.
Post Requests for Zwave Edge Drivers Here (community-created)
Post Requests for Zigbee Edge Drivers Here (community-created)
Post Requests for LAN/WIFI Edge Drivers Here (community-created)