(Mike )
February 19, 2022, 9:58am
Have you got the device working in the Tuya app ??
Actually scratch that, you dont have an Tuya hub, best bet is to search for an edge driver here on the forum or request someone add the devices fingerprint to a user created edge driver
At the request of the community Developers, we will now have three similar request Threads: one for Z wave devices, one for Zigbee devices, and one for LAN devices. Please make sure you are posting your request in the correct thread or the right community developer might not see it.
First things first: begin by reading the very helpful note from @philh30 below in post#3. Edge is moving out of beta but the transition is not yet complete, and you may just want to wait until smartthings has finished automatically moving things over and then just deal with whatever’s left.
If you do want a custom driver now, there is a list of existing custom edge drivers in the community – created wiki, so check there first to see if there’s already a driver for…