Schlage Window Sensor Adding Water and Smoke

This almost always happens because of a failed pairing. It may be that there are no edge drivers that match the fingerprint for that device, or it may be that the pairing failed and the fingerprint ended up blank or all zeros.

Start with the following FAQ and check and see what the fingerprint is:

FAQ: Manufacturer/Model Shows All Zeroes

If the fingerprint is OK, then you’ll probably need to find a custom edge driver for it, or ask an author to add its fingerprint to one of the existing custom edge drivers. :thinking:

If the fingerprint is OK, Since it’s a Z wave device, read the first post in the following thread and then you can post a request there.

Post Requests for Zwave Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

If the fingerprint is not OK (blanks or zeros), then you’ll need to exclude the device and try adding it again. Until it has a valid fingerprint, no edge driver will work with it. :man_shrugging:t2:

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