For Edge devices, use the smartthings CLI to get the “deviceManufacturerCode:” with:
smartthings devices <n> -y
where <n> is the “#” of the device in the “smartthings devices” list. The deviceManufacturerCode for the ZSE40 might be 027A-2021-2101.
The smartthings system matches devices to drivers by looking for the device fingerprint among matching driver fingerprints. Up to now, you needed an exact match. As we’ve passed October 15, that restriction may have been eased and devices might be matched to drivers with less stringent criteria. Eventually matching will use only device “type” - switch, sensor, etc.
I hope Kevin weighs in… I think there are two possibilities. You may have a variant ZSE40 which doesn’t match the fingerprints he was given, in which case he might update his fingerprints.yml list to include your variant. The second possibility is that there was a Z-Wave radio collision when you added this device, and the fingerprint was corrupted or lost. Four of my devices had fingerprints of 0000-0000-0000 and had to be excluded/included before they got Edge drivers.
Addendum: I have a Monoprice 15902, a rebranded Vision ZP3111US, which is very similar to the ZSE40. Its fingerprint is 0109-2021-2101. I put a couple of batteries in and included it and my device got a SmartThings Edge driver which reports motion, temperature, humidity, and illuminance. Pretty cool. The fingerprint is right there in SmartThingsEdgeDrivers/drivers/SmartThings/zwave-sensor/fingerprints.yml (I stopped using it because it ate batteries, and replaced it with a ZSE18 on USB power.)
There was another case in this topic where a user had a Zooz ZSE06 which was actually a rebranded Hank SO03 that reported the Hank manufacturer code. I suspect that if your device doesn’t report a manufacturer code of 0x027A then it will be outside Kevin’s remit. The best answer might be to post the request on the Edge Drivers request topic.