Announcing version 2.0.0 of Echosistant
Lambda code updated to 3.0
Find detailed information here, as well as the install source files:
PLEASE NOTE: This version is a complete overhaul of EchoSistant. It will require you to uninstall your previous install and start over. We apologize for this inconvenience. You DO NOT need to rebuild your Lambda function or your AWS Skills.
You will need to perform the following:
- Uninstall EchoSistant Version 1.2
- Install EchoSistant Version 2.0
- Rebuild Profiles.
- Update Lambda file to Version 3.0
- Update AWS Skill Intent and Utterance files
This smart app is achieving maturity and updates will slow down in frequency. We are always open to innovative ideas and suggestions that add to the overall functionality of EchoSistant.
Please report any bugs or problems. Please follow the “Troubleshooting” section of the Wiki prior to reporting bugs.
YOU MUST install all areas of EchoSistant, including the intent file and the utterances, along with the smartapp code and the Lambda code for this upgrade to be successful!
EchoSistant is now a single SmartApp; it no longer has a parent/child code base.
Updates and Other additions to this new version include:
- Bug Fixes/Optimizations - logic errors, misspellings, etc…
- Continued commands after sending messages, set per profile
- Repeat Last message with continued commands, set per profile
- CoRE integration
- Installed profiles on main page
- Main system profile for repeat last message
PLEASE NOTE:Version 1.2 is no longer supported. if you experience problems with Version 1.2, please upgrade to Version 2.0.
To use this Smart app you require an Amazon Alexa Enable Device or service and ST Connected Speakers.
This smart app is for communication within your Home Automation Environment. It is not for HA Control or for HA Status/report inquiries. There are other very powerful and diverse smartapps for those functions. EchoSistant is designed to work with those apps to bring your HA experience full circle.
We hope you enjoy our new version of EchoSistant and we look forward to your feedback.
Thank you.