Alexa skills that must be updated with app configuration changes
Several other features that the Native Alexa does best
How to Upgrade (follow these steps in order)
It is HIGHLY reccommeded that you uninstall your previous version prior to update. I have not
not tried it, but updating over the old version might work. I can’t promise that it will.
Update Lambda with new code (don’t forget your APP Tokens)
Delete old AWS Skills
Install new app (Parent, Child, Grandchild)
Build and configure rooms. You will now build a “Home” Room
Create new skills
Please let us know what you think, good or bad. Also let us know if you have any problems or find any bugs.
You have the option to NOT upgrade to Version 4.5.
I’m going through the installation process and I’ve hit a snafu. When I open EchoSistant on my phone, I don’t have a, “done” but “save” instead. Step 6 in the SmartThings Mobile App - Install portion of the documentation. Just hit save?
Also, the documentation presumes I already know how to configure a messaging/control profile, unless I missed it somewhere in the Wiki.
Thanks for all (everyone involved) for your hard work on this…Much appreciated!
(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
Hey there… Yes, please just tap on save.
Nope, you didn’t miss it. There are so many different ways to configure a profile that it’s almost impossible to document. Just give it a try… it is pretty intuitive.
Thanks. I’ll give it a shot. How many child apps are there? The documentation only has the notification child app. There is no link for the shortcuts child app.
(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
Thanks. Missed that. I was concentrating on the installation section and it doesn’t have the link for the shortcut child app. I continued on and the AWS looks nothing like the documentation. I understand people who have done this before might have quick links, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to configure a trigger. It’s not there. I’m going to give it a break for the evening and come back with a clear head maybe over the weekend.
hi i have been trying for days to install echosistant but keep running into the same stumbling block i have gone over each step by step instruction from echosistant installation but when i get to the Amazon Configuration lambda function the G U I is completely different and i cant find the options i am supposed to follow ie Configure Triggers, this is the UI i get when i create my Lambda Account no option to configure triggers just Dashboard and Functions
no need for apology i couldn’t have got as far as i did without your step by step guide and looking at your posts and reply’s its plain to see you spend a considerable amount of time helping others and im sure everyone appreciates it as much as i do
thank you very much
(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
This is an update to the Wiki page only. I apologize for the “Create a Function” section for being
so incredibly out of date. It should be good to go now.
Hi jason update was great managed to progress to Echosistant - Main Intent configuration and i get the following page with the error once i click next Error: Please select a default endpoint
think i found out where i went wrong i have now put Arn in the default option and continued to Next and it looks as though i have now progressed to next part so i wll carry on
hi i managed to install Echosistant several weeks ago with the step by step guide you kindly wrote on Wiki but unfortunately i have no idea what to do now with the smart app i assume i have to create messaging and control profiles but i have no idea where to start and exactly what they are or do. I have searched and searched looking for an example on what to do once the smart app is installed, but found nothing. i have been to embarrassed to ask for help until now but i realize that i have two options delete the smart app or swallow my pride and ask for help as you can see i have chosen the second option.
so any help would be great or if you can point me to some kind of tutorial if one exists
Hello, sorry to bother. When I “click on triggers” then click on “Add a trigger”, Then “click on the empty box” Alexa Skills Kit is not on the dropdown list to choose from, and I cannot just type it in the field to bring it up. Any help would be appreciated.
(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
Hello Jim and welcome to EchoSistant.
The best advice I can give you is this… explore the profiles. There isn’t much that the app can not do. When you run into something that gives you a question… ask…