ROUNDUP: Data Logging and Charting Solutions

There’s loads of data logging and charting solutions, so I thought I’d create an index. Reply with any solutions I’ve missed and I will update this post.

Amazon DynamoDB [cloud (free/paid)]:

Elastic Stack (LogStash+Beats+Elasticsearch+Kibana) [private (free) / cloud (paid)]:

Can’t see a specific thread on the community, but here’s a github link:

Google Sheets [cloud (free)]:

GroveStreams [cloud (free/paid)]:

InfluxData TICK Stack (Telegraf+InfluxDB+Chronograf+Kapacitor ) + Grafana [private (free) / cloud (paid)]:

Initial State [cloud (free/paid)]:

PlotWatt [cloud (free/paid)]:

Note: PlotWatt is discontinuing its support for 3rd party residential energy monitors on March 31st, 2017

ThingLayer [cloud (free)]:


ThingSpeak [cloud (free/paid)]:

Xively [cloud (??)]:

SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL , SQLite, SQL Server) [private (free/paid) / cloud (paid)]:

Various discussion but no working examples just yet…


Nice work!

There are a few more listed on the quick browse list in the community created wiki on the list for “logging” under smart apps.

For example, SmartEnergyGroups (SEG), and IOT logger.

I like the visuals in your post and the grouping by third-party solution, and I also realized after seeing it that it may not have been intuitive that the logging discussions were in the smartapp section of the quick browse lists, so I’ve added the same list to the project report section as well. :sunglasses:


I’ve added all these, plus included info on hosting and subscription options.

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@zcapr17 Do you have any comparsion which one of those two is better? Simple Event Logger or Log events to Google Sheets Some advantages / disadvantages?

Sorry, I’ve never really looked at them. Logging to Google sheets is a relatively primitive solution when you can set up a much more powerful and customisable solution using InfluxDB with Grafana in under an hour, so I’ve done the latter. :wink:

That said, if anyone wants to post a comparative review I’ll try my best to integrate it into the roundup. Keep in mind that everyone has a different definition of what is better though.


Well, you are right. But the problem is, that you have to have running linux machine. The cheapest solution that I can think of is to buy Raspberry Pi and configure it. On the other hand the Google Sheet is completely free solution and it requires almost zero configuration. Plus graph can be exported from Google Sheet as image and then used in SmartTiles which can be a nice bonus.

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Both InfluxDB and Grafana publish Windows binaries now, as well as docker images too. Plus there’s various cloud-hosting options available. So you can host pretty much anywhere you want.

If you really don’t want to spend any time or money on a server, then yeah, Google sheets is a good simple option. I would also consider Initial State.


I have a Pi3 running 4 services related to SmartThings. I have at least 30 or more metered outlets. Can my Pi3 handle all of this data with the additional services running using InfluxDB?

I’m looking into a free option for logging electricity use. I have a nextcloud\owncloud (personal cloud) instance running on one of my servers.

I ran across an app that can be added called “Sensor Logger”. Has anybody used this? Does this look like it might be possible to use with smartthings?

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Yes. You should be able to post to this API using a SmartApp.

Has anyone tied this into RRD-Tool for graphs? or started the process to build it? I am an old school network guy who has been building bandwidth and network utilization graphs for 15 years with RRD Tool. Would be great to have a way to integrate this into SmartThings.

Is this tread still actively being updated? It looks Initial State might be dead…

Where did you get the impression they were “dead”?

They pivoted away from the consumer/small-developer market for a while, and then came around and added affordable (?) plans again.

Did they withdraw their SmartThings integration?

Good question, looked like thier domain was empty earlier today and now it’s loading. Disregard.

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Well since I just signed up to start using Initial State it appears their built in smartthings integration is down until “the beginning of 2019”.

The new SmartThings integration to Initial State is now live.


Great index

One more to it:

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How do you integrate ST to it?

I know how to do it with Vera, still looking for options for ST

Ok, though I’m not sure why you posted this in an ST forum. Do you have any connection to it?