[OBSOLETE] GE/Jasco Z-Wave Plus Dimmer Switch With Double-Tap

I just uploaded the DTH for the new Ge/Jasco Z-wave Plus Dimmer Switches. If you have one of these switches already there is a chance you have one with an older firmware that does not support double-tap or associations in which case this DTH won’t be of much use to you. I did build the fingerprints for this DTH with the firmware version so if you join a device with the older firmware it won’t use this DTH. This DTH is based on my work for the On/Off version of these switches ([RELEASE CANDIDATE] Jasco/GE Z-Wave Plus On/Off Switch (14291) With Double-Tap and Associations), however I do not currently have one of these switches (I have a couple with the older firmware and I am waiting on delivery of some with the newer firmware) so I have not done any testing yet.

Features included:

Option to change the indicator status from the main page
Commands to change the indicator status (useful for changing from CoRE)
Option to change the inverted setting from the main page
Commands to change the inverted setting (useful for changing from CoRE)
Ability to add associations to groups 2 and 3 from the configuration page
Exposes the double-tap feature of the switch as a button (useful for triggering events in CoRE)
Options to change the dimming steps and delay (config parameters 7-12) from the main page
Commands to change the dimming steps and delay (useful for changing from CoRE)


I’ll give this a try! I just put in 3 of the new Plus dimmers within the last month. I don’t know if I have the latest firmware or not though.

Edit: So I gave this a try and it seems to work! I was able to get the double tap to work as well - pretty slick! Now I just need to think up a use for it…

Double tap for full brightness would be nice. I may upgrade my current switches just for that.

You could easily use CoRE to capture the double-tap and turn the brightness to full.

I’m having trouble getting the double tap to work. If I use the association groups it works great, but I can’t get it to work in core. The device handler seems to be seeing the double tap, but no action takes place.

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I just got my dimmer switches in on Friday but have not had a chance to install them up yet. I should have some time this week to get these installed and look into why this isn’t working.

Question on association functionality.

I have not purchased these yet, but what can you do with association?

Is this like zwave association where one device can directly control another? Or is it something else?

Are the 2 association groups the same thing? Or do they do different things?


I have some GE / Jason dimmers /switches any way to check part numbers or firmware versions on them to see if they would work ?

I think this screenshot does a good job of describing how the association groups work.

Associations question follow up, does group 2 or group 3 need to the hub for instant status or is that auto handled another way.

Meaning do I have to set group to the hub for double tab to be sent to the hub or is double tab sent to the hub in addition to devices listed in group 3 automatically?

Looking at mine I have an older model that is labeled as V3.0e on the back and a newer model that is labeled as V5.0b and has 14294-2 on it. If you still have the manual Jasco told me that if the manual lists all 3 association groups it is for sure the newer version. You can also try using this DTH for it and see if it works or DTH Z-Wave Tweaker [BETA] Z-Wave Tweaker can tell you what association groups your device has, if it only has group 1 it is the older model. Jasco tells me they only made about 1,000 of the old version.

I just updated the code in GitHub, had to fix the same bug I had with joining in the On/Off version of this switch.

The DTH handles associating the hub to group 3 (which is why you can only add 4 more the first slot is already used up for the hub). Group 1 is used for other notifications (on, off, dim) and is automatically added by SmartThings as part of the join process. So short answer you do not need to use associations unless you want the switch to talk directly to another device and avoid the lag of going through the hub/cloud.

I figured out what was wrong, I was passing the button number as a string not an integer. I have updated GitHub with the fixed code. I also discovered an issue with dimmer level not getting updated in SmartThings when changed at the switch, this is also fixed.

Something still isn’t working for me. When I double tap, everything looks fine in the log but the lights never actually go to 100%. The device then updates back to the actual 5%.

I am having weird glitches also. My switch directly controls an outlet that has a lamp plugged in and I have a plug-in lamp module with a lamp plugged in on the other side of the room. The lamp module is associated with group 2 on the switch so it turns on/off/dims with the switch. I have a CoRE piston configured that a double tap up will turn on the lamp module only and a double tap down will turn off the lamp module only. The rule works perfectly if the switch is on, I can double tap the lamp module off, on, and back off again. However if the switch is off double taps show up in the log and I can see the condition in the piston change blue but the lamp module does nothing. However pressing the double tap buttons in the DTH works. Unfortunately these lamps are all in my son’s bedroom and he went to bed so I will have to troubleshoot another day.

Could this issue be part of the problem? I’m not really a developer so this goes a bit beyond my understanding but it sounds like this might be why the switch isn’t getting the commands.

Reading through this post I think it could very well have been the issue. It does look like a fix for this was pushed out today. My dimmer switch seems to be working. I did discover and issue with how I built my CoRE piston so I am not sure if my issues were only the piston or if the events weren’t working as well. Let me know if you are still having problems and we can try changing the code for you to use sendEvent instead of createEvent.

Unfortunately I’m still having trouble with double tap. Whether I double tap on the physical switch, or press the double tap button in the app, I get the same result. The level briefly updates in the app to 100%, but then updates back to 20% (or whatever it was set to before). The lights never actually change brightness though.

My core piston is pretty simple, but maybe I have it set wrong? I’m still new to core.

Weird, the buttons in the app always worked for me. Your piston looks good to me, doesn’t get much simpler than that. Maybe it is something to do with having the trigger and action on the same device. Try changing the piston to turn a different light on and see if that works. If it does you can try putting a delay in the action (I have noticed that if I double tap the switch one way and then try double tapping the other way without waiting a few seconds it ignores me). If none of that works you can try changing the following lines (line numbers 259-266):

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) {
if (cmd.value == 255) {
createEvent(name: “button”, value: “pushed”, data: [buttonNumber: 1], descriptionText: “Double-tap up (button 1) on $device.displayName”, isStateChange: true, type: “physical”)
else if (cmd.value == 0) {
createEvent(name: “button”, value: “pushed”, data: [buttonNumber: 2], descriptionText: “Double-tap down (button 2) on $device.displayName”, isStateChange: true, type: “physical”)


def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) {
if (cmd.value == 255) {
sendEvent(name: “button”, value: “pushed”, data: [buttonNumber: 1], descriptionText: “Double-tap up (button 1) on $device.displayName”, isStateChange: true, type: “physical”)
else if (cmd.value == 0) {
sendEvent(name: “button”, value: “pushed”, data: [buttonNumber: 2], descriptionText: “Double-tap down (button 2) on $device.displayName”, isStateChange: true, type: “physical”)

And see if that makes a difference.