OK…mine appears to be working now. So, hopefully I’m good. 
I can try to troubleshoot a little bit with either or both of you.
Initial suggestions (not in order; just different things to try)…
back-out everything you’ve done so far (BloomSky setup, SmartThings integration, WU-PWS integration, etc) and start over (though few of us have discovered exactly what it was that finally made it work, this was one step for many of us in that process)
search the main BloomSky thread for posts about lights, colors, blinking, etc, and see if having any of that helps in the process (i.e. if you don’t know what state the BS unit is in, then you can’t know where you’re at in the process).
Here are some of my comments from over there via c/p…
For anyone familiar with how Chromecast works when initially setting it up from an Android phone (the main way I’ve done it), I wonder if that’s sort of like what this thing does when it first gets going.
As you notice, it gets which WiFi SSID to connect to directly from the phone. I wonder if, for just a moment (or longer, I don’t know), the phone actually makes a temporary direct WiFi connection with the BS unit, and then, once it gets the info needed from the phone, it severs the WiFi direct connection between phone and BS and goes to connect directly with WiFi router.
I wasn’t sure where to put this. So, I just dumped it here for now.
If anybody has any more info that could help with this, please let me know (either here in this thread or via PM).
Power Status Light Color & Blink Codes
[NOTE: Of the three lights on the flat face that has all of those little brass dots, this is the one on the left; it looks like the standard power symbol.]
Off with No Blinking, ever = BS unit is completely off
Solid Green = This happens immediately after initially turning the BS unit on, and immediately after doing an 8-second WiFi button reset (It may come on solid for other things as well, but not sure).
Slow-Blinking Green (~10 seconds apart) = BS unit is on AND (I think) has an IP address from the router (i.e. regardless of whether or not it has a connection to your BloomSky account). In order to conserve battery life, they have it configured to have the lights mostly off most of the time, and it only blinks the power light occasionally in order to indicate to the user that it is on.
WiFi Status Light Color & Blink Codes
[NOTE: Of the three lights on the flat face that has all of those little brass dots, this is the one on the left; it looks like the standard ‘Power’ symbol.]
Blinking Red = ‘ready’ for WiFi configuration (i.e. no connecting to router has happened yet, because I’m assuming that, at this point, the BS is in a WiFi direct connection with phone)
Blinking Orange/Amber = got config data from phone, and is switching modes to go get a connection with router.
Fast-Blinking Green = BS unit NOT connected to WiFi router (probably need to do the 8-second WiFi-button reset and start over)
Slow-Blinking Green = BS unit is now connected to WiFi router
Solid Green = currently transmitting data to ‘homebase’ via WiFi router (IOW, assuming normal operation, it is ‘online’ while the WiFi light is solid green, and can be reached via ping from computer during this state)
Solid Red = This is simply the opposite condition of when it is solid green. During solid green, it is ‘online’; during solid red, it is attempting to get online, but not being successful (perhaps because it’s not able to get a good WiFi connection) for that cycle’s data transfer (no idea if it saves up data sets after an unsuccessful attempt to send them later, or if it just discards it and sends the latest data set the next time it gets a good connection; assumign the later).
Charging Status Light Color & Blink Codes
[NOTE: Of the three lights on the flat face that has all of those little brass dots, this is the one in the middle; it sort of looks like the plug end of a 2-prong power cord.]
Solid Red = currently charging
Off = charged (or…well…it could just be dead too lol )
Blinking Red = might mean not fully charged, and draining (this one is more of an inference from my experience. I’ve only seen it do this once. So can’t confirm 100% )
Light Group States
[Beyond the Color and Blink codes, it may also be handy to have a list of ‘known states’ of all of the lights together.]
Known State: Normal Operations
Circumstances: This is the state the lights should be in when everything is set up and working properly.
My Take: The BloomSky unit transmits data to the BloomSky servers once every 5 minutes or so (have seen it less at about 2-3 minutes, and have seen it much, much more at hours or more; it all depends on many factors). While it is transmitting, the WiFi light is solid green.
Power Light: Slow-Blinking Green (~10 seconds apart)
WiFi Light: Off most of the time; turns Solid-Green for about 10 seconds or so every 5 minutes or so.
Charging Light: Off
Unknown State1: ?
Circumstances: This was during the process of setting up one of these units; after one or more of the attempts.
My Guess: Since it had already received IP from router, it probably means that it’s on the network, but not connected to the BloomSky servers / or a BloomSky account.
Power Light: Solid Green
WiFi Light: Fast-Blinking Green
Charging Light: Off
Unknown State2: ?
Circumstances: This was during the process of setting up one of these units; after one or more of the attempts.
My Guess: Obviously, there is a network problem of some sort; just not sure of the rest.
Power Light: Off (probably more accurately a slow-blink)
WiFi Light: Solid Red
Charging Light: Off