Bloomsky Weather Station

Most likely, the actual component of that mix that ‘did the trick’ was this…

[quote=“siuengr, post:1219, topic:38202, full:true”]
…I did a hard reset and started the setup again…[/quote]

So far, with at least hundreds of these things under our belts here at ST-Community collectively, there is no discernible reason why it finally works. In my case, with mine as well as with others I’ve helped over the phone, there was absolutely NOTHING done differently in any of the several times that exactly the same process was tried. For whatever reason, on one of the cycles, it just worked.

The only things I need with me now to get one up and running are the point above (i.e. just keep trying it exactly the same over and over until it works), and a copy of the known Color and Blink Codes; which I wrote down throughout my initial install/testing/troubleshooting process and pasted in the following post in the BS-WU thread…

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