[OBSOLETE] Would you like to control your Humidifier/Dehumidifier/HRV/ERV with your ecobee thermostat and ST?

To whom it may concern,

For those of you who have an ecobee thermostat and would like to control your connected Humidifier/Dehumidifier/HRV/ERV.

There is an app for that!

It’s called MonitorAndSetEcobeeHumidity and it’s available now at my github:



The smartapp has been there for a while, but I just did an UI revamp for easier navigation.

The smartapp can also do the following:

  • Ability to specify the target humidity and the humidity differential allowed
  • ‘Free Cooling’: indicate whether or not you want to use the ‘free cooling’ feature (i.e.,by using your HRV/ERV for fresh air when outdoor temperature is colder)
  • Ability to enter a minimum fan runtime per hour - fanMinOnTime (optional)
  • Ability to use your HRV/ERV as a dehumidifier and indicate the minimum runtime in minutes per hour (optional)
  • Ability to use a power meter to control when your HRV/ERV/Dehumidifier/Humidifer can run (optional)
  • Notifications can be sent to the ST user account (optional)
  • The smartapp can be temporarily deactivated (on hold) with a power (virtual or physical) switch (optional parameter)

N.B. My ecobee device is required for the smartapp as it leverages its comprehensive set of features. The ST stock device only exposes less than 10% of the ecobee APIs. My ecobee device exposes ALL ecobee features.

Refer to the ST community wiki for more details:


And, the thread below:

Here are some screenshots of the smartapp:

<img src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/smartthings/original/3X/1/9/1931f7d22c7816ceeeab1ff544f93d514bb93b55.jpg"width="281” height=“500”>

My ecobee device is available for download at my store:



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Hello Yves,
I’m using the Humdifier app along with your Ecobee device.
I used to set a manual humidity level within the app but decided to try the Automatic mode where humidity is calculated based on the outdoor temp.

The weather is really cold out there now and I can see that while it’s 10F outside, the system try to push the humidity to 44% which is very very hard to maintain giving the outside temp.

I don’t know much about ideal indoor conditions, but reading different article online I believe that ideal humidity level for 10F should be between 30 and 35%.
So my question is, what are the predefined level / chart that you’re using to set the indoor humidity level?

01 PM

I may have found the issue… sometimes writing down your issue triggers some ideas.

Seems like the SmartThing Weather Station app wasn’t reporting the right outside temp (31F), I reconfigured it and now the reported outdoor temp seems correct (10F) so I believe the Humidity app was using wrong information…
Let’s see how that works now.

When your using the automatic mode, how can you see what humidity it is calling for? If you happen to look at the setting on the thermostat, sometimes I can catch what it’s trying to do. But it turns the whole humidity system off after it’s reached it’s target (it seems).

Also what is the difference between this mode and frost control mode on the thermostat? Seems like it is essentially doing the same thing, trying to keep you from getting condensation on your windows.

Hi, frost control is an ecobee setting. For more details on how to use it, refer to


In my smartapp, the calculated ideal indoor humidity is based on a formula using the outdoorTemp.

P.S. There was a minor UI issue about the display of the calculated ideal indoor humidity. It’s been fixed in v3.4.2. You can resync at my github:


Thanks for the quick reply. Updating worked, I now see the IdealIndoorHumidity. What I am trying to do is jack the humidity up in the house during the day, then reduce it at night. I think I could use setHumdifierLevel (I am using webcore) to change the desired humidity… is that right? But that wouldn’t compensate for any outside temps. Any recommendations? For a while there during the day I would run frost control with window efficiency 7 during the day which would add just a tiny bit of condensation on the bottom of the windows. Then I would go to 4 overnight to lower things. But I haven’t been able to figure out how to automate this. Any tips?


Yes, you can use setHumidiferLevel to change the target humidity level. Now, if you’re not planning to use the smartapp, I’m not able to help you as I don’t really know your requirements, and I don’t use webcore at my home.


Thanks again for the reply. How do you “turn off” the humidity app? I don’t see an easy way to stop it without removing the app completely.

Your app seems to work well. One suggestion I would have is maybe having a parameter where we can increase or decrease the humidity that your calculation is coming up with as ideal. Since every house is different, it would be helpful to have an offset in there. This is basically what the frost control/window efficiency in ecobee is doing.

Also if I remove the humidity app, have a lost the ability to access/set any of the humidity parameters?

Finally there is no way to change the window efficiency of ecobee, right? I looked through the API and didn’t see an option for it, but I am not sure if everything is listed there.


Your app seems to work well. One suggestion I would have is maybe having a parameter where we can increase or decrease the humidity that your calculation is coming up with as ideal. Since every house is different, it would be helpful to have an offset in there. This is basically what the frost control/window efficiency in ecobee is doing.

  • You can already input a humidity differential to give more ‘leeway’ to the target humidity (and customize it), see here:

     section("Humidity differential for adjustments") {
     	input "givenHumidityDiff", "number", title: "Humidity Differential [default=5%]", required: false

Also if I remove the humidity app, have a lost the ability to access/set any of the humidity parameters?

  • There is no way to access/set any of the humidity parameters in the smartapp if you remove it.
    You can still use the DTH for setting the humidityLevel as indicated in my previous post.

Finally there is no way to change the window efficiency of ecobee, right? I looked through the API and didn’t see an option for it, but I am not sure if everything is listed there.

  • No, there is no way to change the window efficiency settings thru the ecobee APIs.

BTW, you can make the smartapp run for certain ST location mode (Night, Away, Home, any custom ones) or use the virtual switch (powerSwitch) to pause/restart the smartapp’s processing. That would be the way to control its execution (last page in otherSettings).

	section("What do I use for the Master on/off switch to enable/disable processing? (optional)") {
		input "powerSwitch", "capability.switch", required: false

If you have more questions, please consider my support packages at my store.


I have an ecobee4 connected to Furnace, AC and HRV.
I was thinking to install: zigbee wall switches to control the exhaust fans in the bathrooms and temp/humidity sensors on the bathroom
The idea was that if somebody turns on the bathroom fan, then turn on the HRV at the same time. Separately also cool down the house using the HRV when it is cold in the evening.
Before I start buying sensors and switches and paying for the DHT… does it make sense? Is this cost effective?
Wondering whether this is a project people pursue because it is cool or somebody has found actual savings?

Hi, a lot of people use their HRV for cooling the house, it’s called alternative cooling and you can enable it in the MonitorAndSetEcobeeHumidity smartapp…

Now, I’ve never heard myself of such a specific project with the bathrooms’ wall switches. You could use a rule engine like webCore for those custom rules.

It’s also difficult for people to assess if it’s cost effective for your house. We don’t know anything about your house (layout, insulation, etc.) and the number of switches/sensors involved.

Usually, I’d recommend that all HA projects should be based not only on energy savings, but also (and probably more) on the comfort aspects…


Hi, I just released a new version (v3.5) which allows you to control some humidify/dehumidify/ventilation switches in conjunction with the Humidifier/Dehumidifier/HRV/ERV settings when connected to ecobee.

You can use the github integration or copy and paste from my github to get the latest version:

P.S. You’d need MyEcobee device as my smartapp can only work with its extended and comprehensive features.


I do understand that your app is suppose to control devices connected to ecobee.
In my case I have ecobee that connects to furnace with AC and humidifier.
But I’m installing an HRV now. As you probably know there is no way to connect HRV and humidifier to ecobee since ecobee supports only one accessory.
I was wondering if maybe there is a way to control HRV or humidifier that is not connected to ecobee ?
I can for example wire humidifier to a smart switch and HRV to ecobee so if possibe I just need your app to turn the humidifer swith on when needed (based on humidity level from ecobee)


Yes, with My Ecobee device DTH and the right smartapp, you can also control your Humidifier/Dehumidfier when connected to a smart switch.

Refer to the ST community wiki and/or the github for more details about MonitorAndSetEcobeeHumidity smartapp. The smartapp can control all the devices
in a smart way when connected to ecobee and/or some smart switch(es).



Great thanks I will take a look at it
I already looked at it before but in the summary of the WIKI I saw “If the equipment is not connected to ecobee, the smartapp cannot control it.” and this is why I asked
I guess its just not updated info since you mentioned now that it will work with some smart switches too

Will this app start the furnace/fan by itself if needed or it will work only when ecobee activates the heating/cooling equipment?

For example lets say my current humidity level is 30 and my desired is 50
Without your app if my humidifier is connected to ecobee, ecobee will start the humidifier only when it needs to start the furnace because of the temperature settings. Lets say my temp is 25C and my setting for heating is 23C. Ecobee will not start the humidifier no matter what the humidity is

Lets say I connect the humidifier to a smart switch and set desired humidity to 50 what will happen ?


Hi, it really depends how your HVAC fan is connected to your ecobee. At my home, the HVAC fan can be activated on its own regardless if the ecobee is in heat/cool modes or idle.

Please talk to a HVAC technician if it’s not the case at your home.

The smartapp will trigger the humidifier switch and re-evaluate every cycle (ex. every 30 minutes, it’s a customizable interval) till it reaches the target humidity (given the humidity differential inputted, ex. +/- 5% by default).


Thank you so much for spending the time to explain this.
In my case ecobee can run the fan if needed.
But my humidifier is just one dry contact that opens the water solenoid so it need the furnace fan to run.
As far as I understand if I will use your app (without any modification to my HVAC wiring) it will just open the water to the humidifier, but it will just waist water because the furnace may not work at the same time.

In V3.5.6, in the Humidifier Settings page, there is an optional parameter:

“Trigger HVAC’s fan when humidity Switch is on?”
(true or false, by default false as most humidifiers do it for you)
