Motion sensors were also in the process of being set out. Not sure what was in the other boxes as I didn’t want to open all of them I may pick up the motion sensor tomorrow and test that out.
Here’s a device type for the contact sensor. Adjusted the SmartSense Open/Close to match up to the Iris model. Same functionality. A pull request has been submitted to include in the official repo.
This device is now supported by the built-in Smartsense Open/Closed Sensor device handler!
Hmmm. I was to Lowes 2x this weekend and the pegs were still full of the old stuff. Afraid they’ll keep it that way until they sell more. Only chance they don’t is if they get orders to pull the old product.
At least this way if Iris fails, they won’t be stuck with a bunch of paperweight sensors.
Oh mine had plenty of old stuff there too. I was at mine this weekend as well, but nothing new (or clearanced…) on the Iris endcap. Looked like they were in the middle of an endcap re-set.
Lowe’s just joined The Zigbee alliance as a participant member last week. That’s a fairly low level of membership. But it does give them early access to things like the new zigbee 3.0 profile.
They didn’t have any on the shelf so I asked because there stock online was higher than what was out. Turns out they had them I picked some up for 14.06 as well as one of their new motion sensors for 20.28.
Of course, @mitchp already confirmed the contact sensor works. I haven’t seen anything on the motion yet, but I will for sure give you guys my impression once I get them both up and running!
I’m planning on going to Lowes today for other reasons, did you have to ask specifically for the new model or did they see it in their system and offer it up?
If you think of it, why sensors should cost more that $15, when LED smart bulbs cost $15? In fact, they should cost even less. Anything more than $20 is just a rip-off.
Do you know how they compare in size with others out there? I like my monoprice ones @ 19 but are a little larger. However, these are my first sensors so my guess is they are on par with the size as others.