(Ben Lebson)
December 26, 2015, 6:55pm
Hey Kraig,
@mitchp has created devicetypes for pretty much all of the other Iris v2 devices. I created this devicetype by modifying the standard Smart Things SmartPower Outlet devicetype to include the 3210-L fingerprint (allowing it to automatically assign itself during discovery). See below for a list of other threads with devicetypes:
Continuing the discussion from Current Device Deals & Best Prices :
Motion sensors were also in the process of being set out. Not sure what was in the other boxes as I didn’t want to open all of them I may pick up the motion sensor tomorrow and test that out.
Continuing the discussion from Smart Home Monitor - Feature Requests :
I’m writing a device handler and a smart app to manage codes and SHM event subscription. It’s working out pretty well, better once I figured out what they were doing to get the keypad to show the right system state (using undocumented/non-spec commands). I need to polish the code a bit and time is tight, so hopefully this week.
I purchased it from an eBay seller. It’s sold as part of the Xfinity security system. Centralite 3400-X if you’re trying to find them.
I’m kind of surprised that ST didn’t have this as one of their new “Things.” It’s a very nice looking keypad, fits the ST aesthetic and would have been a good companion to SHM.
Spinning this off into a new topic so as not to derail the SHM dis…
This device is a smart button not a key fob.
The follow-up to the Iris Care Pendant :
Iris Smart Fob! Four buttons, supporting push and hold actions with the button controller SmartApp, for a total of eight possible actions! No presence detection though. The time required for a press to be considered a “hold” is configurable in the device preferences.
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