Smart Thermostatic Radiator Valves TRV with Edge driver? (EU)

Hi there!

As many, I’m trying to get the heating/energy bill lower and I’m looking into radiator valves. For example, my living room is where the thermostat is on the wall (Nest Learning V3) so there it will always be warm and radiators fully open.
However in my bedroom I would like it a bit preheated when I goto bed but it doesn’t need to be heated all day.
The bathroom same deal, I shower in the evening so no reason for full on heat all day.

“Long” story short… what valves are there that work with SmartThings and Edge? Or other suggestions?

Located in the Netherlands (Europe)
SmartThings V3 hub
IOS phone
Mainly normal radiators
Bathroom has floorheating but is controlled with a “normal” thermostatic radiatorknob

What country are you in? TRVs are usually region specific.


Netherlands, Europe.
Updated the my post.

Hi from the UK, I have the same thermostat.
Smart TRVs work with Nest and you have to balance them with the Nest setting the TRVs maximum.

I have not used Smart TRVs myself but if I was looking to do so I would be looking at what is listed in the Smartthings App, Add device, Thermostats, View by model name, and I would choose a zigbee model.

Popp (owned by Aeotec) look good and are for sale on Amazon and their own shop.

Netatmo Users on this forum seem to be having problems so I would avoid those.
Tuya / Smartlife Smart TRVs, some may work and others not.

Hopefully someone with a working solution will comment.

With the impending move to matter devices hopefully manufacturers will be releasing many new products in the near future.

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So your suggestion would be wait and see before buying something now?

It depends how urgent it is, if I needed TRVs immediately I would buy the POPPs. If I could wait I would hope for more comments here and see what new products are coming.

No hurry, just something I’ve been thinking about doing for some time and was reading to move forward :wink:

Hi @Roy_R

I added this Eurotronics Spirit TRV to the driver Zigbee Thermostat Mc and It think works



Should they keep functioning with the whole Matter thing coming?
Have to look in to that, but good to know!

Would the Z-wave version also be easy to add for you? (Found some 2nd hand)

There is a official edge drivers channel for eurotronics Zwave TRV


Wow! I keep getting amazed by the knowledge here and how you guys find everything.

Gonna contact the German seller and see if he’s willing to sell it for a reasonable price.

Just curious: has anyone looked at the Shelly TRVs? They are getting excellent reviews. This is a battery powered Wi-Fi device. (Shelly typically has excellent engineering and has succeeded in getting much better battery life from their Wi-Fi devices than most manufacturers.)

They should work with smartthings through the normal cloud integration. I’m not sure if they’re included in a community built edge driver integration or not.



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Have we managed to get any other trv other than POPP working with smart things. They are twice as expensive as nearly all other trv on the market.

Danfoss TRV’s work with Smartthings. Just add them from the “partner devices” section.
They are about £40. Battery life for me is over a year with 2x AA non-rechargeables.
They don’t seem to like rechargeable batteries, probably the lower voltage.

Would be great if those cheap Tuya ones available on AliExpress could be used but I am not going to add and additional hub.

Hi what the exact model code plz as only 1 I can find say hub needed and a old zwave but not seen in stock anywhere

@Matthew_Robson do you know exact model? was it UK based?

thanks Damien

What “exact model” did you buy? How did you get on?

I use the Fibaro ones. Working without any problem. They are also quite small and rechargeable.