As jkp eluded to. The worst case scenario that you will deal with:
- Re-enable github. Reassociate your existing SmartApps and DHs to those repositories.
- Relink your Alexa/GH Skills with ST
- Re-add your Favorites to the Dashboard
- If IOS, re-add widgets to your Home screen
- Phantom Home location created. This defaults when opening Classic app. The 2nd Home location to be deleted. It’s just a nuance that it appears you have nothing in the app until you select the correct location from the Dashboard.
You will not lose any Devices, DHs, SmartApps, Routines or anything else.
NOTE: I say worst case in that if any of those same issues still exist and weren’t addressed as part of the 3 rounds of beta testing, then these would be the items that you may have to address manually post migration. It was stated though by Tim Slagle that they identified and addressed the GitHub piece. If you had to do all of this, it’s an hour or so worth of time to modify.