[ST EDGE] Z-Wave Lock PH

I was being affected by this while I was still on Android 13.

When my problem started I was on UI version 5.1 Android version 13 and now I’m on UI version 6.0 and android 14. It updated a few days ago.

I’m having the same issue on my Lenovo Android tablet, but Im traveling now and Im not sure what version it is.

I concur my problem started with the new UI

I had the issue on the old UI as well when it started on 11/23/2023.

I have a Yale Conexis L1 with the Z Wave Module, I was recently forced to move from the legacy drivers to the Edge drivers and am currently using the “Wave Lock PH Beta” driver. I’ve also tried the standard Wave locking also the non-beta PH driver. Since switching to Edge drivers my door lock batteries are now going flat every couple of days. Previously they would last months, if I disconnect SmartThings the batteries life is again extended.

I’m guessing the drivers are polling the lock too often and wiping out the battery life. Does anyone have any idea how I might resolve this, is the polling time configurable anywhere?

@AlejandroPadilla @Jake_Mohl

This has been resolved on my phone and is now working. I can add and remove codes and lock and unlock all 4 locks.

Im now at version of the app.

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I can confirm, things appear to be fixed.

@mlchelp that is good, the fix was implemented yesterday.

If anyone is still having the problem please let me know.

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I’m still experiencing the problem. I removed and reinstalled SmartThings today and downloaded SLGA again and it’s still misbehaving in the same way.

you need to tag @Ivan_Luis_Falleau and @AlejandroPadillaand also open a support ticket with Smartthings.

@cutecape Sorry for the delay, if you are still experiencing this problem, please could you send the following information?

  • Evidence (like a video)
  • Mobile logs (you can see the steps here)

You can send it by message or by build@smartthings.com

Eventually after 3 weeks of providing logs, etc., SmartThings support got back to me with a real workaround. Apparently the problem was caused because there was an inactive, “hidden” lock in my account (it’s an old one I had thrown away). I had to “unhide” that lock for the “lock codes” option to come up again and be usable for my real lock. So if that situation applies to you, do that! Thank you to everyone on here who helped.


Hi, thanks for developing this!

Is there a way to set SmartThings to away (secure) mode when you hit the Schlage logo on the outdoor keypad?

In the logs I see that when I hit the logo, it registers as “unlockCodeName: Locked”. But it also does this when I manually lock the door from the inside.

Can’t be done with a ST Routine using Phil’s driver. He didn’t create a custom capability to provide the codeName for locking events as a trigger in Routines. It can be done with this driver, however, his driver is not free.

You can do this with the 3rd party rules engine sharptools.io, but it requires their paid tier at $30/yr. Below is an example of checking who locked the door and taking actions based on that.

In this example, it checks for a specific person’s code as well as checking if the Schlage logo was pressed which is reported as codeSlot 0 or codeName Master. Other thing to note is that sharptools rules run on their cloud, not locally on your hub.

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Thank you for your reply!

Phil, would this be something you’d add at some point?

I can tell you that Phil primarily develops for Hubitat now and has not been spending much time doing new development here.

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Thank you again for your reply. I’m looking into your first suggestion now. If the first one is $7.99, why did you mention the $30 one? Does it have more features or something? Thanks again! :slight_smile:

One is a driver solution. The other is a rules engine solution.

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You can do that using a different driver which can be found here: [RELEASE] Universal Enhanced Z-Wave Lock Driver for Schlage, Yale, Kwikset, IDLock, Popp, Danalock, August Pro, Keywe, Philia, Samsung

Here’s a simple automation for achieve what you’re trying to do.

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Thank you! I tried that and it works as intended but the Front Door keeps setting off an intrusion alert when I unlock it via the keypad. Any ideas why it’s doing that? Some kind of lag?