[ST Edge] SmartThings MyQ Edge (Obsolete)

Can’t say then without the logs. I would recommend following this ([ST Edge] SmartThings MyQ Edge - #118 by brbeaird) post and posting the logs like I did. I cannot get it to detect the devices in ST app at all.

Step one says download smartthings cli. What is that?

There is another topic with instructions. When I get to my computer (where I have it opened) I’ll post a link to take you to that discussion with instructions on how to do what he wants.

Then copy the output of that into a PM to him or post it here.

I should be at my computer here in a little bit.

Thanks for ur help

Go to this thread. He tells you step by step how to set it up and grab the logs. You might have to figure a few things out but it’s a good lead in.

And for a heads up, it’s a msi extension you download. When you run that file via power shell it spits out the exe file.

I still need help. I pulled the latest image for running the server in Docker. It finds all 3 doors. I also installed the new edge driver but noticed there is now a second one called MyQ DoorBETA. I have it installed too. But I am still not able to discover the devices in the Smartthings App. Here’s the logs for the driver using Smartthings CLI:

2022-10-05T02:33:44.468669329+00:00 TRACE Unknown Server.new_with
2022-10-05T02:33:44.474654079+00:00 TRACE Unknown Server:post
2022-10-05T02:33:44.480622079+00:00 TRACE Unknown Server:post
2022-10-05T02:33:44.486813787+00:00 TRACE Unknown Server:listen
2022-10-05T02:33:44.524855079+00:00 DEBUG Unknown driver device thread event handled
2022-10-05T02:33:44.539602495+00:00 TRACE Unknown Received event with handler _resync
2022-10-05T02:33:44.544942829+00:00 TRACE Unknown Received event with handler environment_info
2022-10-05T02:33:44.552445037+00:00 TRACE Unknown Received event with handler environment_info
2022-10-05T02:33:44.557945912+00:00 DEBUG Unknown Z-Wave hub node ID environment changed.
2022-10-05T02:33:44.566192162+00:00 TRACE Unknown Received event with handler discovery
2022-10-05T02:33:44.595063162+00:00 INFO Unknown ===== SCANNING NETWORK…
2022-10-05T02:33:44.626465162+00:00 ERROR Unknown ===== No MyQ Bridge found in network
2022-10-05T02:33:44.651741412+00:00 INFO Unknown ===== SCANNING NETWORK…
2022-10-05T02:33:44.677339995+00:00 ERROR Unknown ===== No MyQ Bridge found in network
2022-10-05T02:33:44.700790537+00:00 INFO Unknown ===== SCANNING NETWORK…
2022-10-05T02:33:44.723051912+00:00 ERROR Unknown ===== No MyQ Bridge found in network
2022-10-05T02:33:44.755941245+00:00 INFO Unknown ===== SCANNING NETWORK…
2022-10-05T02:33:44.778119454+00:00 ERROR Unknown ===== No MyQ Bridge found in network
2022-10-05T02:33:44.995639079+00:00 INFO Unknown ===== SCANNING NETWORK…
2022-10-05T02:33:45.019213954+00:00 ERROR Unknown ===== No MyQ Bridge found in network

Ok ill try tonfigure out how to run it tomorrow

Is your docker container running in host mode? Don’t worry about the Beta driver - it’s just for me when I need to do some testing.

I got this working and pulled the docker image. 2 questions.
Where is the image saved to on the raspberry pi?
Where do I save the txt file to?

Edited to change my question

I’ve tried host and bridge. Neither one worked. I’m at a loss.

Run docker info to get location and a host of other information

Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker

I created the file in user pi’s home.

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To get my docker to go put the network connection in host mode I had to use this in my run command:

–network host where others have used

Their probably the same thing. I am self educating on docker as I work on new Smartthings stuff. I just found in my run command I had to add and do a few things differently to get it all to work and also be reachable from a browser window.

To test your browser window you’ll need to look at the containers log file.
docker logs smartthings-myq-edge

I think there should be lines like this in the top of the logs
10/4/2022, 12:50:18 PM | HTTP server listening on port 40931
10/4/2022, 12:50:18 PM | SSDP server up.

This list what port your container is using (as it’s random now) Mine is 40931
Then in a browser use this command to see if you PC browser can see your running container.

Rasp Pi IP Address:Port/details for example

You should get a reply listing the retails on the devices your edge driver running in your container see’s

Alot of times as I was working on this I would get a could not be reached or some other error.

Also to test my network connection after I had the container running. I did a ping from the Pi out to say my garage door IP address and Google.com.
Then I gave this command, which from what I understand puts you on a command line inside the container.
docker exec -i -t smartthings-myq-edge /bin/sh
I then did the same ping to see if it could get through the network to the outside world.

Remember control C stops the ping command
And exit leaves the command line in the container.

Remember I could be wrong explaining all this as I’m just learning and fumbling as I go. Just sharing my experiences.

Also once I could see in CLI that it was running and trying to create the doors I was stuck like, alot of others. No devices showing in Smartthings. Then a day later with no changes on my part (possibly a new driver was loaded on my hub overnight) my doors showed up with a add device scan from the app.

EDITED: to add how to use the browser to test too.


Can someone direct me to how to step up LAN bridge server? This is maybe a dumb question but I am trying to figure how to transfer “MyQ” to the new edge drivers. Thanks in advance

I believe they are stored at /var/lib/docker or something like that. depends I think on the OS

You can list what you’ve pulled by using
docker image ls

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Who can answer this and how is gonna depend on if you plan on running the server on a Pi or an always running PC.

If you go to the top and click the link he shares it should take you to Github and there is a read me file with more detailed information.

Here is a link to the Edgebridge created by Taustin. If you need help setting this up you can post questions in that thread. It has to run on an always on computer or RaspberryPi.

That’s not relevant for this driver. Brian has a bridge server that’s specific to this installation (the package that is running in Docker or elsewhere). @TN_Oldman 's advice to read the installation instructions in Github is the correct approach.


I’ve been reading up on this one also. I believe it is more involved than this setup. In that you have to get your own personal API key for smartthings. Also this one is a generic driver that developers and others can access after it’s running.

This installation (as stated by @MarkTr ) installs and uses it’s own network connection.

I believe you could setup both and they would not conflict as long as they don’t both try to grab the same ports.

Setting that up is on my ToDo list for access to my PWS for weather.

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OK, so the container is running:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS        PORTS     NAMES
67fefeb3f5a3   brbeaird/smartthings-myq-edge   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   19 hours ago   Up 19 hours             smartthings-myq-edge

But ST still doesn’t find any devices. Do I need to disconnect it from the old MyQ Lite first? Do I need any other configuration other than the user name and password? thanks.

EDIT: @brbeaird Do I need to install the MyQ DoorBETA? Right now I only have MyQ Door driver installed.