This Edge driver provides an integration between SmartThings and MyQ using a LAN bridge server. Once you have the bridge server running (via simple executable or docker container), SmartThings will automatically detect and add your MyQ devices.
You will need to enroll in my custom driver channel and then spin up your instance of the bridge server on your LAN.
Features and Notes
The LAN bridge server handles polling MyQ status - there is no more need for a sensor on the door as there was for the previous SmartApp implementation.
The Edge driver and bridge server should automatically handle IP changes if they occur. They use SSDP to communicate during discovery and when IP/port updates occur.
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This community continues to amaze and impress! Thank you this.
That said I have a question, can this be run on a raspberry pi? I see linux, macros, and win files. I am completely new to RPi as of a month ago so not sure if or which file is compatible.
Again, Thank you!
Yes, although now that you mention it, I did not generate that binary file. I may need to do that directly from my pi, which is acting finicky at the moment. I’ll see if I can get that out very soon.
I tried installing… I have the bridge server running (connected to MyQ) [.exe version] and the device driver installed into SmartThings, but I am not able to get SmartThings to create the device. Are there any requirements that must be met before “Scan for nearby devices” will create the device?
I have tried opening up all ports on the Windows machine that is hosting the bridge server, but that did not appear to work. Thank you for any help you can send my way!
Update: I’ve tried looking for anything that would be blocking communication between the bridge server and the SmartThings hub, They are on the same subnet, and the same vlan. Can you think of anything else I can look into? Or can you recommend any debug/log tools that would be helpful? Thank you so much!
There are a couple things that could be happening here:
There’s still something network related impacting the connection
There is something different in your MyQ setup than expected.
Can you try hitting this in a browser? http://your_bridge_server_ip:8125/details and see what the output is? You should hopefully get least one device back with model garagedooropener.
The other thing you can do is to download the SmartThings CLI executable and then run
smartthings edge:drivers:logcat --hub-address=
Then you can filter on the myqDoor driver and see what’s happening when you run discovery.
Should I see an element of “type”? Below is what I see. Of the two listed 1 is local to the SmartThings hub, the other is a shared garage door.
{“devices”:[{“name”:“Venice Garage Door Opener-EDGE”,“baseUrl”:“”,“vendor”:“MyQ”,“manufacturer”:“myq”,“model”:“garagedooropener”,“serialNumber”:“###”,“status”:“closed”,“lastUpdate”:“2022-09-27T21:27:01.7624175Z”},{“name”:“Garage Door-EDGE”,“baseUrl”:“”,“vendor”:“MyQ”,“manufacturer”:“myq”,“model”:“wifigaragedooropener”,“serialNumber”:“###”,“status”:“closed”,“lastUpdate”:“2022-09-30T14:45:45.1548681Z”}]}
I ran the command you sent over and its finding my unifi install on another server (http port 8080). That would explain why its not doing anything. I’m going to see if I can block that server from allowing a connection on 8080 to see if that helps.
Update: I temporarily shut down the server running the unifi install. Once that server was off I was able to run discovery and it created the garage door devices. Turned the other server back on and things seems to be ok and the garage door devices are running normally. I’ll let it run for a few hours and see if for some reason it tries to connect back to the unifi install. Do you think there would be any concern of it doing that ?
Thank you so much for your help! And for developing this! My wife and I depend on this integration daily!
I tried getting this up and running using docker-compose but when the container loads up, it’s giving this error in the logs and just restarting over and over. Thoughts?
standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error
Here is my docker-compose snippet (redacted obviously). Note, i’ve tried it with/without the volumes setting.
Which one is the container-id that I use for "docker start "
I get the following error if I do docker run:
pi@pi3:~ $ docker run brbeaird/smartthings-myq-edge
WARNING: The requested image’s platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm/v7) and no specific platform was requested
exec /usr/local/bin/ exec format error