[ST Edge] SmartThings MyQ Edge (Obsolete)

I definitely need to improve the documentation to make this more clear. If you’re going the executable route, you need to also download this file: https://github.com/brbeaird/SmartThings-MyQ-Edge/blob/main/src/server/config.json
Put it in the same directory as the executable you’re running.
Open it and set your email and password, then save it.
Run the executable again.

I think I may also modify the executable version so it pauses before just closing so you can at least see any error messages.

Can you verify that you are calling the executable from the directory it’s actually in? Like if you open a terminal, cd into the directory, then call the executable - is that the same result where it can’t pick up the config file? It’s gotta be either some weird directory context issue or else a file permission issue.

Start looking here, and go down a little ways. There’s good information mixed in with all those post.


Running the exec from a Finder window or open myQBridgeServer-macos-x64 in Terminal gives the exact same error.

drwxr-xr-x   6 redact  admin       192 Oct  4 14:48 .
drwxrwxr-x+ 35 root       admin      1120 Oct  4 13:28 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 redact  admin      6148 Oct  2 10:07 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--@  1 redact  staff        72 Sep 30 17:45 config.json
-rwx------@  1 redact  staff  58120722 Sep 30 14:36 myQBridgeServer-macos
-rwxr-xr-x@  1 redact  staff  53918905 Oct  3 22:33 myQBridgeServer-macos-x64
redact@redact-Mac-mini myqedge % open myQBridgeServer-macos-x64
redact@redact-Mac-mini myqedge %

i looked at the link you sent me. i dont see a place to download it. all i can do is edit it.

when you say put it in the same directory do you mean put it in the same folder or do you mean a specific folder?

Right, that’s a little awkward. Try this link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brbeaird/SmartThings-MyQ-Edge/main/src/server/config.json

Right-click, then save as, then drop it into the same folder that the executable is in.

Thanks for the pointers. I tried your command but turned out I had to remove the single quotes. Caused an error on the Mac. Worked fine without. Also, I didn’t need the ‘-e’ options since I defined the environment variables in my .bashrc file. So this is what worked for me:

docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -d --network host --name=smartthings-myq-edge brbeaird/smartthings-myq-edge

Now my problem seems to be that it immediately exits. The ‘ls -a’ helped also so now I can see all the containers. Using the information from the ‘docker container ls -a’, I can start a container using

docker start <container ID>

Still exits immediately.

Does it list an error code when you list the containers. It’s a number. For example mine had a 133 in the data.

I think you can also look at the log file:
Docker container log smartthings-myq-edge

Hopefully find some data in there. It may be logs vice log.

Sorry about the quotes. I shouldn’t have put them in there.

I don’t think it will actually access what’s in .bashrc at that level. That’s part of what makes containers so isolated by design. You’ll still need to pass in username and password in the docker command itself.

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there is not download button either. could i just copy and paste to a word doc and save it. then drop it into the same folder?

OK, finally up and running. Once I got the syntax right and removed the existing container, worked ok. The run command creates a container each time so I guess if I have to restart I need to remove the old one first? Anyway running now. Next I need to try to hook it up with ST.

I haven’t done it yet either , but you can make the container restart on its own. I didn’t do it when I created it in case I needed to stop it and remove it.

That is also discussed a ways further up the thread.

I believe there is a way to do it by adding it to the system startup too. But I think it’s more complicated.

That’s on my to do yet too.

@brbeaird, let me start with a big thanks. I’ve been using the old DTH and App you created for this for a while now and still works.

While trying to get this to work, I’m trying on a Windows 11 machine, that I have usually running 24/7. I would later want to migrate this to a Pi or similar.

For now, I cannot get the ST to detect the devices and logs show this. When i hit the details page, I do see the both Garage doors are being discovered correctly.

one thing I noticed in the logs, that the IP of the server is showing up different than the rest (192.168.62.xxx) of my network and this IP is only accessible on the browser on the system running the server. If I try to access it on any other systems/phones on the same network, the URL/IP doesn’t resolve.

I believe that could be the issue here, but, cannot figure out what since ST is able to discover the server.

PS: thanks to @ThomasTrain on the tip for nssm. working like a charm.

you can copy and paste it in notepad and then save it as config.json.
when entering the filename, please ensure to use “” in the front and end of the file name to avoid fron notepad to convert and save it as a config.json.txt file.

I’m running it on Windows as well and can help if you have any questions.

ok it looks like it found my door. it says found 1 compatible device waiting for discovery. not sure what im supposed to do next? i installed the MyQ door under channels and drivers but i dont see anything in my smartthings yet

That’s great. You just need to go to your ST app, select add a device and scan for devices nearby. That should fetch the device and add it to your app. and you’re all set.

Okay, my rookie status with Terminal is showing. I ran ./myQBridgeServer-macos-x64 and it found the config file and doors, etc. On to the next step.

Sorry for the run around but still not sure why I have to run from Terminal and not from Finder.

EDIT: Door found in ST and functioning well. I’m going to run this and the legacy myQ Lite in parallel for a while.

what do you mean st app? do you mean smartthings? or something else. i tried smartthings and the door isnt showing up

yes, SmartThings app should be able to pull the device.

the garage door isnt showing up. any idea what i missed? or did wrong

Is it because my garage door is connected my smartthings threw the old way of connecting?