SmartThings WiFi Mesh Ethernet Backhaul No Longer Working

By the way - I do have one (and ONLY one) use left for the Plume app nowadays:

It still runs and displays my ISP network speed, which is helpful because the Deco app does not do this at all (unfortunately). I usually look at this daily to make sure my cable modem isn’t acting up and giving me lower speeds (it’s usually the Download speed and not the Upload speed when this happens). When my speeds aren’t where they should be, I reboot my cable modem to bring it back.


With my new setup of only using 1 of these ST Mesh WiFi hubs plugged directly into a switch as my only ST hub, I am losing connectivity on some of my zigbee devices which are far away. In looking at some other threads on here, it sounds like using one of my other two sub-hubs as a zigbee repeater would not actually work as a zigbee repeater if I re-add one as a sub-hub to my main ST hub? I would actually need a zigbee repeater device such as the ‘Peanut Smart Plug’ to really accomplish this? Would appreciate any thoughts on this … how to best get a zigbee repeater in place that’s pretty inexpensive yet reliable (I saw the Peanut device in another thread and is still being sold if that is still one of the better options).

To clarify something … I had similar device disconnection issues with these certain zigbee devices when I had all 3 hubs in place when I was using the ST Mesh WiFi hubs with Plume as intended. Just trying to get ST all nice and stable with my new setup in place (no real complaints other than these darn zigbee devices). Thanks.

I’m late to the show. Started noticing problems about 2 months ago and looked at everything but my sub hubs. They were working when I last looked.
Now I see they aren’t connecting properly. I am not going to redo my network with all my devices, what is the solution?

Hi- OP here. I gave up on my STWifi mesh network. I ultimately went to Xfinity and even changed from my own modem to their Gateway with one WiFi pod. It works great. (My interim solution of my router plus a new TP Deco mesh network was unreliable- kept disconnecting from the modem).

I gave the new Xfinity network the same SSID and password as the old STWifi network, and everything joined the new network with minimal fuss.

In order to preserve my ST automations, I kept only the STWiFi hub and renamed the SSID. Plugged it into the switch so that it gets internet. You cannot disable WiFi. This allows me to use the STWifi hub as a ST hub and still run the smart devices attached to it. I didn’t have any WiFi devices, only Z wave.

The new mesh network from Xfinity is much faster than the STWifi mesh network.

Good luck!

| MikeR Mike Richling
May 8 |

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I’m late to the show. Started noticing problems about 2 months ago and looked at everything but my sub hubs. They were working when I last looked.
Now I see they aren’t connecting properly. I am not going to redo my network with all my devices, what is the solution?

I’m just a little old man in a little old house (1600sqf) … so I disconnected my two subhubs and now a couple of hours latter everything is working again. Hmmm

The beginning of the end?… :thinking:

Plume has just announced that Samsung has not kept up with some required updates for the iOS version of their network management app, which is called homepass, so as of this posting only the android version will work if you need to manage network features for this hub model.

SmartThings WiFi Mesh Hub iOS deprecation (model ETWV525 with Plume)

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Interesting … thanks for posting! Well there goes my last 1 remaining useful feature I used from the HomePass app on iOS :man_shrugging: I do have an old Android device but it’s probably wayyyy too old to even use the HomePass app on it (LG V8). If I get bored one day maybe I’ll try it out :roll_eyes:

Still rockin with my new TP-Link Deco XE75 Pro x3 mesh system, and just using one of the Smartthings WiFi Mesh devices to control my smart home (plugged in via ethernet to my switch). It is incredible how many issues this new mesh has resolved for me in my home, including Sonos! Very very happy that I made the switch in the end. The only SmartThings stuff that I really lost are some of my Zigbee devices go offline (SONOFF SNZB-02 ZigBee Indoor Temperature and Humidity Sensors), including an old Samsung water leak sensor that I have to keep re-pairing to the system.

Regarding Sonos and AirPlay, I have a feeling these Samsung SmartThings WiFi mesh devices kept that from working in a reliable way (so AirPlay was always a bad word in my house). With this new system, it’s pretty rock solid. :peace_symbol:


You may need to add a Zigbee device that acts as a repeater near the physical Location where the old sub hubs were, because they did act as repeaters. Just a simple Zigbee smart plug will do.

When you’ve added the plugs, turn the hub off for about 20 minutes while leaving all your other Zigbee devices on power. This is called “Zigbee heal” And will cause those other devices to go into “panic mode” because they can’t reach the hub. Then when the hub comes back online, all your Zigbee devices will rebuild their neighbor tables, which should ensure that they are using the new Smart plugs effectively.

You may not see the final results until the next day, but it should help stabilize the Zigbee network.


my mind is blown away today … :exploding_head:

That is iOS? Because that was previously announced. If it’s android, that’s new. :thinking:

On iOS … up until today it continued to work for me on my iOS devices. The app updated and this time when I opened it I got the above message, so no more iOS app for me with Plume :man_shrugging:

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I didn’t realize it until now … my ST WiFi Mesh hub got the FW update after checking in the ST app:


The only thing I notice is that 1 more device became disconnected … gotta re-pair it yet again :upside_down_face:

Yea it looks like the option only stopped working for IOS. However the support article is hilarious as all the screen shots show the optimizing network being stuck and such lol. And the FAQ at the bottom is like everything will work like normal with a homepass login…well the app might but not the device lol.

How do I log into the iOS HomePass app if I have Samsung SmartThings Wifi? (

Well that’s awfully darn nice of HomePass to at least offer that option/workaround. Thanks for sharing. Seriously … I wouldn’t have expected that from them.

What’s funny is even though I am no longer logged into the app, I still get notifications from it when devices join or leave the network, etc. as if I’m still signed into it. So I’m still getting partial functionality from it somehow.

What is the process of disabling the Wifi so only the SmartThings hub is operational? I also upgraded to a TP-Link Deco system since I can no longer manage anything through the iOS app. I don’t want the extra interference from the SmartThings Wi-Fi that no one will be using.


I don’t think you can disable the wifi.

At one point, you could put the Wi-Fi mesh hub into “bridge mode“ which would allow it to connect to a Wi-Fi network being handled by a different Wi-Fi router so that the SmartThings device then worked only as a Home Automation hub, not a Wi-Fi router. But over the years, the method for doing that has changed and I’m not sure there is still a way to do it. :thinking:

Hi timmo, I hope you’re doing well.

One question, I also have a ST Wi-Fi mesh router and several month ago it stopped reporting to the Homepass app the most active devices (by amount of data downloaded or uploaded) as shown in your screenshot.

Do you have any idea why this function stopped working?

I don’t think anyone has figured out how to disable it - I doubt it’s possible. I just added a ‘dash’ to my normal WiFi network name with the Deco system for my ST WiFi router WiFi network name (which is in bridge mode connected to a switch as outlined earlier in this post). This is the “cleanest” way I found to have 2 WiFi networks, and I don’t notice anything bad in having 2 WiFi networks ‘active’. I now use the ST WiFi network as my guest network because the guest network functionality on my Deco network started to not work for my work laptop (i.e. ‘no internet connection’) for some reason (I want to keep work segregated from my home network). So - at least I now get a good use out of the ST WiFi network!