look like, but im not really sure i already have 200 … i will count it 1by1… but strangly i never have this type of issue before the wifi hub upgrade… and also look like error occurs only on my android phone… i also have iphone phone (who’s for my job, not my personnal, can’t really use as personnal cause job iphone , but i try over iphone and i don’t have this issue…) >> so don’t know why error on android… ??? i already try to stop, reboot my android phone… also stop and clear cache and re-install smartthings apps it’s always the samething as error over 200 devices… >> >i do search over web about this issue and get link that look like problem occurs in 2021… and be fix after sometimes… i invite you @nayelyz to see this post…
and direct link comment from @Automated_House in nov 2021…
@nayelyz waiting for your news back