[OBSOLETE] Weather Station Tile 2.0

This is pretty much the same thing as the Smart Weather station tile app but with more fields, nicer look using the mult-itile attribute and added a few more fields that i felt were missing.
This was made for my account, i was showing my friend and he liked it so i am sharing it with you guys.
Here are some screenshots:

Here is the link for download (add to your device handlers)

Weather Station Tile 2.0

I have added options under settings to change units.
Enjoy :slight_smile:

Here is how it looks on android from users below:

To install follow these steps:

There are 2 ways: 1) copy and paste , 2) update from repo

  1. This is easy but be careful when you copy the code because cut-and-paste breaks the ° symbol in the source and you end up with a question mark symbol. To fix this dont copy and paste the “raw” code, copy the first page.
    In more detail:
    a) copy the code
    b) login to your smartthings IDE and go to “my Device handlers”, click on “create new device handler” and then click on “code” and paste the code, save and publish it.
    c) go to your device list, add a new device , give it any name you want and then choose the device handler you just saved.
    d) that’s it, it will appear on your devices. click on the settings gear icon and enter your zipcode and change the units to preferred and it should work

  2. To update from repo
    a) login to the smartthings IDE, into your Device Handlers, add my repo as seen in the github link

Owner: takissd / Name: MySmartThings / Branch: master

b) update from my repo, save and publish.
c) go to your device list, add a new device , give it any name you want and then choose the device handler you just saved.
d) that’s it, it will appear on your devices. click on the settings gear icon and enter your zipcode and change the units to preferred and it should work


I have no idea how it looks on an Android, i hope good.

Ok. I’m totally new to the weather part of this… What are you using to populate all of the information?

This is the same thing as the official Smart Weather station tile app, just visual and code differences.
It uses data parsed from Weather Underground once you enter your zip code under the settings tab.
It pulls data from the wunderground API.

Yeah, I installed it. It looks great! Thanks!

This is it on Android

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Looks good, except that symbols are not rendering on my iPhone (I see ? where the degree symbols should be, for example). Thanks for assembling!

I got it. I always take from the Raw on github. Can’t do that, it loses the symbols in the code.

glad it worked out!

Great! Anybody test with SmartTiles yet?

Yes, I did… It shows up as only three items with no labels.

Is there a way to see a high temp for the day?

I installed this as a device on the IDE and published it for my but for the life of me can’t find how to install it on my Android device. I have an older version of a weather tile but under a different name.

Can anyone point me where I can install the tile in the app?


Create a device in the IDE. Select this DTH as the device type. Go into app (or the IDE) and enter zip, etc.


Got it. Thank you very much.

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I have WeatherTile setup and configured but something I don’t understand.
In the temperature reading it shows correctly but there is a triangle with a question mark in the middle of it just to the right of the temperature number.
I am presuming this is supposed to read F or C
but I don’t see any option under the hamburger icon to set the temperature scale.

Other than that it looks and works great.

Hello this must be the degree sign. When you copy and pasted raw it probably messed it up. Try copying and pasting the code again please. The settings should stay as they are

I havent tried this, how do i do this so i can try to fix it?
When i go to smarttiles and try to add the weather it doesnt show me the device. But it didnt show the stock weather device either. Only way i can add the weather info is by temperature and humidity and thats shows up correct. Am i missing something?

I see that now. I am looking at the device code and you are correct. Somehow it converted the degree symbol. Easy to fix once you know where to look.

Sorry , high temp for the day is not part of the info provided by the API…

Ummm… How did you get it to work at all in SmartTiles?

Because there is no “weather” capability, and namespace issue for device type input filter, SmartTiles only accepts Things of the published specific Device Type:

input "weather", "device.smartweatherStationTile", title: "Weather...", multiple: true, required: false

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