Of course, im new, want to add the Weather Station Tile 2.0
i did it by Repository and it’s now under my Device Handlers as Published but it does’nt show in my SmartApps on the mobile app.
Where’s probably my mistake?
Of course, im new, want to add the Weather Station Tile 2.0
i did it by Repository and it’s now under my Device Handlers as Published but it does’nt show in my SmartApps on the mobile app.
Where’s probably my mistake?
1- you are logging into IDE at https://Account.smartthings.com ?
2- you are using the SmartThings Classic app?
Haha never mind, device handlers do not show in Smartapps, only Smartapps do
You assign device handlers to devices in my devices in IDE.
1- yes
2- yes
ok … how i do that? trying to figure it out and can’t
Give us more details on what you are trying to install? Link to the device handler?
seems rather simple.
did it by repository
but on the app classic, under automation, smartapps, +add a smartapps,+my Apps, its not there
In IDE, click on my devices, at the top of the screen click New Device. Fill in the fields as needed, where you see the pull-down menu for type, scroll Through the list and select weather station tile 2.0 (the device handler you installed) and complete all the pull-down fields for hub and location, click create. Your weather tile will show in the devices in the ST app.
It was the part i didnt know, Thought it would be a smart apps, but it’s a device
Thanks so much https://community.smartthings.com/u/jkp