Weather Panel 2.2: Released

Weather Panel 2.0 is now live! Enjoy!
New in this version: Addeded forecast information option and more formating and presentation tweaks. I also removed the weather station tile requirement
Code and instructions:
Just the raw code:
Install Help:
Support for this device\app is by donation only:


How do you put in weather tile in the type field without making a new device type?

If you don’t have the Smartthings default WeatherStation Tile device installed, this will not work. It does not require a new devicetype, just the WeatherStation Tile device.

Weather Panel has been updated to version 1.2. and i highly recommend the update. If you are coming from 1.0 or 1.1, Please uninstall the previous smartapp before updating. I know this is a pain in the butt cause all your links will change, but it is to prevent an over poll issue and we all want smarthings to preform as fast as it can with out extra polls eating up extra cycles. With out further a due, 1.2 brings no more page refreshes. The wallpaper refreshes itself, and the weather refreshes itself and they both recover nicely in the event of internet connectivity loss. Enjoy!

Weather Panel has been updated to version 2.0
New in this version: Addeded forecast information option and more formating and presentation tweaks. I also removed the weather station tile requirement

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Weather Panel has been updated to version 2.1
New in this version: Preloads images for smoother transitions

Weather Panel has been updated to version 2.1.1
New in this version: Added dynamic API URL, this will ensure the app will continue to work after infrastructure changes that will be rolled out in early-to-mid September 2015.

*** This is a MUST HAVE update ***

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Weather Panel has been updated to version 2.2
New in this version: Support for user selectable Station ID

i Am using your app but seem to have issues with automatic refresh. Is there something i am doing wrong

Install steps:

Everytime the smartapp refreshes is logs to both live logging and the app log:

Also you may want to wait till ST fixes the connectivity issues:

If you need additional help the donation link is in the first post: