Turning lights on at a specific time (6 am), but only if the sunrise is after that time (ie 8 am)

Okay, so I have two non-webcore ways that I do this.

  1. My original way. Just edit the automation twice a year to keep up with the sunrise. Annoying, but it’s only twice a year.

  2. This is new and I’m still tweaking it a little but I LOVE IT. I sent up a weather item in my ST (I think it’s this one?? Search on “Smartthings Weather tile” and check them all out). The one I have takes my zipcode and reports back temperature, humidity, and most important, illuminance. This illuminance lets me use the outside light levels to make automations!! So what I can do is say “IF lux is less than 3000 AND kitchen motion sensor senses motion THE turn on kitchen island light for four minutes”. To satisfy your time requirement (since you said morning), you could add a “period of time” to it?? So add in “between 1am and 8am” AND “dark out” for yours?

I love number 2. It works almost super great!! My only issues with it are that I don’t have a great grasp on what’s dark and what’s light. So I’ve been tweaking it for a few weeks trying to figure out my best illuminance trigger. My other issue is that, because I don’t have a personal weather station, I’m using my zipcode, which can vary greatly from one end to the other. So if a storm has finished passing me by and the sun has come back already, but the storm is now over somewhere else in the zipcode, it’s gonna turn on my light if I go in the kitchen. Despite this, I really love it and I’m just so dang proud of myself for making my house feel even more magical to visitors than it already was.