I’ve been here since 2014 and it’s been wrong for some significant number of users every year, twice a year, since that time. They usually get it sorted out in a couple of days, but it’s definitely annoying.
Long time ST user, but first time I had issues with DST. Automations didn’t fire off as expected and it’s very difficult to know if an Automation actually did try to run because there’s no place in any event log to see events from these yet. I spoke to Alexa to kick off a Scene, and at least the Alexa command was logged, but nothing related to the Scene. We really need more abilities to see events initiated from Automations and Scenes.
DST issues seem to be an annual event, so just curious if anyone else had issues this morning.
So, when does the system change in the fall after DST? Because this morning (when that was supposed to happen) my wake up lights went off based on the old time and woke everyone up an hour early.
Why the hell can’t this be fixed? I’ve noticed people complaining about this for years.
And then, how do I know when it will be updated or will I have to shift all of my routines 1 hour to accommodate?
Here we go boys and girls. Lay your bets… Whats the chances automations work on time this year? Anyone want to see what the Vegas odds officially are this year?
I vote, nope again we are an hour off for at least a day if not 2.
At 2am, well 3am, ST stopped working. Had to hard reboot the hub to get it working again. Could be coincidence, but time is very suspicious.
Anyone else?
Don’t ask me what I think about Daylight Savings TIme. I want my post to remain free of curse words.
No big deal I know but what kind of daylight saving time is this? A 3:00 am routine ran at 1:00 am?
Continuing the discussion from ST Blows DST Again! :
@bravenel ’s post above was in March 2015 (which, in turn, referred to past failure(s) of DST), and here were are a year later, March 2016, and basic DST / Sunset functional still fail?
Yes … that’s a question mark, because I really can’t believe DST isn’t being handled properly.
I’m in San Francisco, CA. Timezone: PDT (UTC-07:00).
I’m using the SmartThings developed and officially supported standard SmartApp “Smart Lighting”, because I am considering migrating to Hub V2 and want my lighting automations to run 100% locally to minimize latency and risk.
I just edited and re-saved a super simple schedule that turns on 3 lights, -15 minutes (before) Sunset.
Sunset will be at 19:18h; therefore the lights should turn on at 19:03h…
I won’t post them all, but you get the idea.