List of Community Known Issues

Use this thread to keep a list of new or existing platform issues. Let’s keep it simple and free of comments, but do add workaround links to specific threads discussing these issues.

For example, if you see an issue and know of a thread that discusses that issue, then use “quote reply” to add a link to that thread - no comments here please! Also, equally important, if you notice that the same issue was posted multiple times, or if the newly posted problem is directly related to a previously posted issue, please send a personal message to the last person that posted the issue requesting his/her entry to be removed.

  • sunset/sunrise schedules not working
  • mode restrictions not respected

  • Control of Harmony activities from Smartthings is broken

  • Sonos integration is not working properly


  • Missing garage door integration!!!
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The text-to-speech API works only for phrases that have already been cached.

Hue integration issue whereby bulbs don’t turn on/off mostly via Hello homes, shows incorrect status under ‘lights and switches’, bulb discovery intermittently shows incorrect number of bulbs, the internal polling of the bulbs dies at some point.

Devices that need updated via polling

Mobile presence issues for some (not me though).

echo fails to recognize some device classes. Report it to

Discussion here:

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I wanted to create a thread for summarizing what issues are currently pending from ST side and what is the frequency of occurrence that everyone is observing. Please copy paste the list below and add your own issues with a frequency. It will help us understand which issues are happening the most. I understand there are different threads for each individual issue, but it may be easier if we try to consolidate everything into one.Or may be not? Do provide any feedback on any workarounds that helped to address any of the issues.

Proposed nomenclature for frequency of occurrence: ( Please feel free to make new proposals)
High = You have seen in more than 4-5 times in last 30 days or so
Medium = Has been observed couple of times in last 30 days
Low = Was observed once or twice, but no re-occurrence since then.

  1. SONOS New Phrase Creation Failure : High (Persistent issue)
  2. Mode Misfires: High (7-8 times in last 30 days)
  3. Failed Scheduler Trigger - Low (1-2 times in last 30-45 days)
  4. Failure to trigger “I am Back” upon arrival - High (Persistent Issue)

These are my main pain points at this time.

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There were numerous attempts to track outstanding issue on the Forum, but it never worked. Why don’t we use SmartThings Community Github repo to track issues instead? Isn’t it what Github is meant for?

I think everyone who’s serious about SmartThings has a Github account anyway.


Define “serious.” Not all of us are coders or ever had a use for Github. The only reason I have an account is because I wanted some of the custom apps you guys have written, and that was the only way to get them. I’m still not sure I know what it is. I always thought a “fork” was something you eat with and a “repository” was something you put up…no wait…that’s SUPPository, sorry :wink:


See, my point exactly. Even the most clueless of SmartThings users have Github account. :smile:


The advantage of using this forum, is that we can post links to workarounds easier. But also gets clouded easily.

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I don’t, and I’ll match my level of clueless with anyone! LOL

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Great Idea! I have added 2 of my most painful issues there.


I’ve added 3 of mine…

Smart Lighting: motion triggered lights turn off when motion is active
Smart Lightning: set level doesn’t work for all dimmers
Platform: routines don’t fully execute

I’ve added some items to github. It does seem right. But what value are we really adding here? Shouldn’t we try to work up something directly with ST? All I see happening on this current course is a pit of issues/complaints. How can we make this valuable?

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Presence sensors showing arrival after they never show the sensor leaving

Un-able to add new users in V2 of the app.

The SmartThingsPublic repo is not the correct place to post these issues. Smart Lighting is not part of the repo.

I know you guys want a place to discuss issues, but the Issues page on that repo is not the correct place unless it’s related to the code that’s hosted in the repo.

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Thanks Tyler, I understand.