Sadly, it doesn’t look like anyone is going to take over hosting the community wiki. A lot of the information that was there is now just lost.
However, you can still use the quick browse lists to quickly find custom edge Drivers for specific device classes, like shades or lighting or sensors, but it will take a few more steps. Or to find project reports, like ones for holidays.
The quick browse lists were always based on the “tag“ feature of this forum. Basically, they just took you to a page that listed all of the forum topics that used a particular tag.
New topics are still being tagged, so you can still use those lists, it’s just not as good as a real wiki.
Here are the tags in use as of December 2023:
edge_hvac (includes fans, thermostats, hvac equipment, etc)
edge_lighting (includes switches, bulbs, and in wall relays)
edge_pocketsocket (Smart plugs)
edge_remotes (includes buttons, remotes, scene controllers)
edge_security (sirens, alarm systems)
(for connection with other platforms or a local server)
edge_shades (window coverings)
And a few project topics. Note that anything written before 2023, may be referring to code or devices which are no longer available, but the general approach will probably still be interesting.
Accessibility Projects: home automation ideas for people who are blind, deaf, or use wheelchairs
Alerts and Notification Projects
AV Projects
Bathroom Projects
Doorbell Projects
Garage Projects
Gate Projects
Holiday Projects
HVAC Projects
irrigation and water feature Projects
Kitchen Projects
Lighting Projects
Lock and access control Projects
Logging Tools and Projects
mailbox Projects
Pet and livestock Projects
Pool Projects
Power Projects: batteries, solar power, UPS, monitoring, power usage, etc.
Presence Projects
Router and Communications Projects
Second Home Projects, including rentals
Sensor Projects
Weather Projects
Whole House Projects, including budgeting and platform/hub selection
Yard Projects
So it’s not as easy as the old community wiki was, but at least the information has not been lost.