An excellent idea, but unfortunately your GitHub instructions tell people to go to the IDE and create a virtual switch there. That is no longer an option in the new architecture. And the IDE itself will be going away soon.
There are two different options that can be used instead.
First, those who have a smartthings/Aeotec hub can use one of the community-created edge Drivers for virtual devices. You can find those on the quick browse lists in the community – created wiki.
Those who don’t have a hub would have to create a virtual device using the API, which is more complicated. And then I’m not sure your new smartapp is going to work for them. So I’m just going to mention that, but not go into the details at this time.
Also note that once the IDE goes away, there will no longer be an official method for adding custom modes like one for Shabbat. You will still be able to do this through the CLI, but again, that’s more complicated. Of course, if someone already had the mode from before, they should be OK.