Everything is down? (Major Cloud outage affecting different accounts differently) April 13-14 2017

You know, I hate to be the one defending it, but you have to think that cloud tech is still evolving. I have to admit I am typically an early adopter when it comes to new tech, as I’d guess most on this board. With that comes the fun, err I mean frustration, of the bugs. I haven’t invested more than a few hundred dollars into ST & associated accessories and i’m not expecting perfection, but I would like to see more consistency. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the results because I’m going in with the expectation it’s not perfect…yet. (I’ll step off the soapbox now…)

Cloud dragons! :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::dizzy_face:

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Agreed. I moved to ST because the last platform I was on was horribly unstable and buggy. ST has actually been much better for me. I think any platform is going to have issues at one time or another. Nothing is perfect or 100% flawless.

It’s more than an inconvenience when devices randomly activate – that’s a major security issue. It’s not really acceptable for locks and garage doors to literally unlock/open themselves.

With that said, I agree with you rxsamg. I’m an early adopter and I expect things to go wrong. Also, this is literally the first time devices have randomly activated since I originally got ST.

I’ll admit, though, I’m jumping ship if I can ever find a reliable option that is 100% local processing.

I do. And we thought that was really great back then.

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There are reliable options that are 100% local processing. But then you’re going to give up Geopresence, IFTTT, and voice control.

There are reliable options that are mostly local processing. But they probably have much simpler options and fewer device choices than SmartThings, or cost a whole lot more.

Every system has pluses and minuses, it just comes down to what you prioritize for your own household.

@JDRoberts It’s all a game of resources right? The cloud offers vast resources that can support many things/people/universal integrations. Local processing is more specialized / silo. Or as Spock famously coined it, The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few…wow, I’m not even a trekkie

@JDRoberts Do any of those options support much of the ST and Zigbee infrastructure I already have (e.g. Zigbee motion sensors, Cree bulbs, Schlage locks, etc)? This was the issue I encountered when researching OpenHab and Home Assistant – both seem to lack support for Zigbee devices.

I honestly wouldn’t miss Geopresence or IFTTT. Alexa is a must though.

I hear what you are saying…but you do realize the irony in these two statements…:joy:

Hah… Let me revise it to being 99.9% local. :blush:

My motion sensor is just stuck to activate after its tiggered by my piston…

@macombweare I’m also still having issues with CORE too. A few pistons are refusing to process while others are working fine. Everything else seems to be back to working normal.

It seems to me schedule commands are still not working. Device control was fixed for me around 22:30 EST. I have a handler that uses runIn to check status and it is not executing.

Guessing it depends on if your Piston uses scheduling as to whether or not they work at the moment.

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None that I know of with that specific mix. Control 4, which is very expensive (typically 10% of the cost of the house plus an annual fee ), can do zigbee and Z wave, but it’s its own proprietary Zigbee.

Most of the very stable local systems are either Z wave only or require that you buy from their specific set of approved devices.

Zigbee is more complex than Z wave because of the fingerprint issue. SmartThings is one of the only systems that lets customers add custom device handlers.

Echo doesn’t work with the lights still. It will switch to goodbye goodnight etc but its not activating my z wave devices.

@JDRoberts Thanks for the info – That’s pretty much the issue that keeps me from going elsewhere. I’ll be the first to admit: While ST is far from perfect, it seems to be the best option when it comes to balancing cost, functionality, compatibility, and reliability. With that said, I think I’ll unplug my hub when I go on vacation after seeing what I saw tonight.

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Still having a problem here with device control – almost 4AM EST. Alexa-smartthings-harmony not working, but my lights, Alexa-smartthings-hue, does work. Also, via the smartthings app it seems to work w harmony, though not reliably. Incredibly odd. I hope this gets fixed today – I’m not sure my boyfriend or daughter have even SEEN the actual harmony remote, let alone know how to use it. I can just hear the phone call now:

“Babe, Alexa’s not turning the tv on. You told me to never touch anything whatsoever unless the house was literally on fire. WTF do I do.”

lmao, can’t wait.

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Running V2 Hub latest firmware and have never had issues before until last night, had 4 devices unavailable as of 10 PM EST. Noticed Hub flashing green light, don’t know how long and was solid green when I turned in for bed around 10:30 PM EST, 4 devices still unavailable.

This morning at 5 AM EST out of the 4 devices that were down 1 devices healed itself. The remaining 3 devices, 2 smart Osram dimmable LED bulbs and 1 GE in-wall Zwave Plus dimmer switch I just turned ON/OFF the wall switches a few times and the devices were back online.

Everything is back online


The devices I thought that I fixed by turning the wall switches ON/OFF are not responding, they are online but I cannot control them! I removed 1 of the devices and re-added it successfully but I still cannot control the device in this case a Osram A19 bulb.

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90% of my devices are not responding, so for me everything is not back online. Most of my automation isn’t working, and the ones that are don’t work consistently.

I tried resetting the hub to fix it, and it just caused everything to stop functioning. Motion sensors are now giving false positives, Alexa integration is down, ugh, this is just really annoying…especially since we have guests.

Was there a deployment that we weren’t told about?

ST, please, for the love of your customers, give us full local processing (aside from Connect and web services) and full control over updates just like any other web-connected devices we use.

I had issues last night 9:00 Eastern, with motion sensors turning on lights correctly, and then the only way to turn them off was to cut the power. Alexa “hmmm smart things is not responding” I reset the ST hub, my router and my modem. It seemed to fix the problem, but not completely.
Same thing when I got up this morning. automations randomly work, some lights turn off, some won’t. I have had some luck turning off light from my app (I’m at work), but I still have lights that wont respond.
Any idea when this will be corrected, or how to correct it?