@RBoy - I am still not having any luck getting the lock to actually lock from the app command. I can manually lock it and the status will immediately change in the app, but sending the command does nothing.
Iris refugee here. I just got the Rboy stuff going, and really like the ADT intergration so far. Luckily the instructions on the site are easy to understand, as I was super confused on device handlers/smart apps, and so far it seems to be worth the lifetime subscription. I have my kwikset lock arm the ADT system when I lock the door from the outside, and disarm via the keypad on the lock as well, which is perfect. I just can’t seem to figure out how to get the door to unlock, when disarming the ADT system via my phone. I really want it to unlock the door when I disarm it via my phone. It’s especially handy when coming home, with groceries and what not, and just opening the door.
I also really like that I can differentiate between a keypad unlock, and a manual keyed unlock. That way if someone were to break the door, and rotate the tumbler on the lock, it wouldn’t see that in a way to disarm the whole house.
I am currently using the freely available Lock Manager and custom DTH for my 3 Schlage locks. The locks worked fine until recently when I realized that the locks were no longer reporting their status, and if they did, it would be with extreme delay (I believe, but hard to say, even hours). Would changing to the @RBoy DTH and SmartApp make this more reliable? I am tired of finding my house unlocked since the system never knew the lock had been manually unlocked. In order to force it to get a lock/unlock update, I have to press the refresh button in the DTH more than once…
How recent is recently? There were some Z-Wave issues over the last few days causing the commands to be severely delayed and report improper status of the locks.
It shouldn’t matter which DTH you use to get the proper status. If you use the local DTH supplied by SmartThings it will run locally, but all other DTH run off the cloud, which will improperly report the status in the SmartLocks SmartApp unless you make an update to the DTH code to run locally. The Rboy DTH is FANTASTIC and can be integrated with the stock SmartLocks SA as well.
So I don’t think it would be more reliable, but if the issues were over the last few days it was more the Z-Wave platform than any specific device.
I have always had an issue with very slow status reporting for the locks and never figured out why. I have door announcements that say door open, closed, locked and closed which is what tipped me off as it kept saying closed and locked when I knew it was not locked. I did notice zwave issues these past few days but things seem to be better now. If Rboy’s DTH works in the new app, I will likely subscribe. Does it use a custom DTH or the standard one which will run locally?
I know it works in the new app, but I am not sure how much works in the new app. You might want to try running a Z-Wave network repair to see if that changes anything, or make sure that you have a repeater within a few feet of the lock as the mesh tends to be an issue with Z-Wave locks.
Has anyone ever had an issue with their Schlage Connect locks that won’t allow you to add custom user codes? These locks have always worked perfectly for me until recently. I tried a full factory reset on the locks and completely defaulting out the smartapp (removed all users etc). I re-added everything and it still doesn’t work. This is the error I’m seeing in the app. Any ideas? I have the latest device handler and smart app installed and i also renamed the device handler to “Z-Wave Lock” as suggested.
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
You asked the same question on the LUM topic and I had answered the same question 2 posts before your post. Assuming the battery is good, your hub/lock are having trouble with the mesh.
To answer your other question, yes this DTH supports Schlage Z-Wave Plus modules.
Thank you for the detail. That’s pretty interesting. My house has 38 z-wave plus light switches throughout with tons of them all around the locks and not too far from the hub. Maybe it’s getting to be too much. I’ll reboot the hub and try to do a z-wave repair and see what happens.
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(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
If the hub is closer to the lock than the buffering devices, then the lock will connect directly to the hub and the devices won’t help with the buffering/mesh. See the 2nd post on the FAQ link above, it talks about positioning of the repeaters vs the hub and it’s impact when the lock is too close to the hub.
I have installed and all works perfectly except battery level. Keeps changing from 32% to 1%. Actual value is around 45. Any ideas?
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
The 1% is reported when the lock sends a “low battery” alert.
Then the locks sends the actual battery level which is 32% in your case. (The lock sends the absolute levels to the DTH). So that’s probably why it’s flipping between the two. It’s time to replace your battery. Also check out this topic for additional info on battery levels. [RELEASE] Configurable Low Battery Warning/Notification/Monitor and Device Monitoring Alerts
I’m trying to figure out why my August Smart Lock Pro isn’t showing up on Google Home. I can get the contact sensor to show up, but the lock itself won’t. Any ideas?
Does all of this work with the SmartThings Hub V.3 and the SmartThings app, not just the Classic app?
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
These are two separate questions, independent of each other (yes it can be confusing, the hub is used to communicate with the lock, the ST app is used to configure/control the lock)
V3 hub -> yes the DTH works with the v3 hub (irrespective of which ST app you’re using)
New ST app -> The new ST app uses a different User Interface and it doesn’t support/display all the additional controls that are available in the Classic app (as yet). However the core DTH functionality is identical between the two apps (because it runs in the cloud).
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
Updated comparison table of Z-Wave features available across the various popular lock brands. Capabilities but they tend to similar across models (e.g. Most brand models share very similar features). Schalge BE469/FE599 have been singled out since they are quite different from each other. This is a good starting point for folks to understand what features they would like to have and then go from there:
I"m trying to do an update for the first time since installing your app.
The app update went fine and I verified it in the ST Classic app.
The DH code update went fine.
But I can’t figure out how to update/verify in the ST Classic app…
Per Your instructions:
Click on “Publish” and then click “For me”
Open the Device page on your phone in the Classic ST app, check/update your preferences (little gear icon on the top right) and tap “Done” or “Save”. Now tap the “Refresh” tile (with the circular arrow).
I have looked all over the ST App and can’t find the check/update your preferences.
Hi. I’m looking for some help, and I think this might be the right place.
I’m looking to use my Yale YRL226 in SmartThings, but to also allow me to check if the door is open/closed.
I can currently use the lock from the SmartThings app, but I can’t tell if it is open/closed. The lock came with a sensor. Part of the sensor is in the door lock, the other is attached to the side of the door (on the frame/molding).
Will the universal enhanced zwave lock app work to sense the door w/ the unit that came with it?
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
If you have a Yale DPS (door position sensor), then yes this device handler does support reporting it to SmartThings. You’ll have to enable the Yale DPS option in the device preferences page using the ST Classic app -> open device page (click the gear icon on the top right corner of the device page, see the first post for a screenshot).
If your lock supports reporting the DPS/Door sensor position over Z-Wave, then it will be captured and reported by the DTH.