We have a bunch of FE599’s here and there are thousands of folks using them, so the lock per se works and sends the user notifications, but we have seen reports of missing notifications which are caused by 3 typical reasons:
- Mesh issues which are addressed by the repeater as explained above. A typical symptom of this is you’re not seeing or seeing intermittent event activity being logged in the Recently tab of the lock page in the ST Classic app.
- Faulty locks - bad chipsets. A typical symptom of this is is that you don’t see any event activity being logged in the Recently tab of the lock page in the ST Classic app.
- Incorrect device handler - due to changes in the hub firmware made earlier this year it broken many older device handlers. Check that your lock is using either the stock device handler or the Enhanced Z-Wave Lock device handler which was updated to be compatible with the new firmware hub. A typical symptom of this is you’re seeing event activity being logged in the Recently tab of the lock page in the ST Classic app, but you don’t see the user name or slot number.
If after adding the repeaters, moving the hub away, rebooting, re pairing etc you still don’t see the user events and if you’re using either the stock or the enhanced z-wave lock device handler (which you mentioned that you were using it), it could be just a bad lock.
You mentioned that you’re getting the open/close notifications. Those don’t come from the lock, they come from the door sensor. Are you getting a lock/unlocked notification? If not then it’s either 1 (mesh issue) or 2 (bad lock chipset) above.
Another way to test it would be to exchange the locations between your working lock and non working lock. If it starts working the it’s definitely a mesh or interference problem. If not, it’s possibly a bad lock.