I used whatever the device identifies as within the app. The developer page shows the type as “Z-Wave Metering Switch” with a description of “0 0 0x1001 0 0 0 a 0x25 0x31 0x32 0x27 0x70 0x85 0x72 0x86 0xEF 0x82”
The you are using the SmartThings provided device type.
If you feel adventurous, try switching the device type as referenced in the other thread. I am the author of that device type and it was written specifically for the device you are using. Most people who use it find it do be more reliable than the stock “Z-Wave Metering Switch”.
There are several steps to adding a custom device type using the SmartThings developer IDE (which I won’t reiterate here since I am sure someone on this community has a better explanation on how to do it than I will do here). It is not that hard to do to be honest.
I added your code as a custom device type and switched them over. It does seem to work a lot better, but one switch in my bedroom is still having issues. Initially I thought its placement was affecting it (it’s buried under my bed in the far corner of my room), but it only seems to be a problem with turning off, it always turns on fine. With the new device type it’s either really delayed or or doesn’t turn off at all, so I’m a little closer. I have a spare switch I’m going to swap out in case it’s faulty hardware. I’ll let you know how that goes, thanks!
Did you get this figured out? I just received my smart energy switch today. It consistently turns on okay, but it will not turn off using the app on my phone. I tried the code linked to above and that doesn’t work either.
The weird thing is that it works perfectly in my living room, but when I move the device to my garage it will only click to the on position and will not turn off.
I think these switches have some problems. Mine is less than 30’ from my hub and after assume period of time it just goes dead. No response from ST. If I manually cycle the switch it starts working, but after a while sitting… It goes dead again. Very frustrating. My older generations aeotec switches all work flawlessly all over the house.