Zigbee Button + Groups - Alpha Test

I have made an update to the driver today to add direct device binding.

This functionality works in a similar way to the groups functionality but instead of specifying a group you provide an identifier for each device 1 at a time that you would like to control (you can still control multiple devices)

From a functionality perspective this works the same as groups, you get the same control of devices directly from the remote control. The main advantage of device bindings over groups is you don’t need to do anything to the device you are going to control (e.g no need for it to be an edge device running a special driver - it can be any zigbee device that supports control and it can be running edge, dth or stock local drivers)

I have added 2 new preferences to facilitate this, one for adding devices, and one for removing them. The devices bound will be written to the history tab. You must use the force bind setting to add or remove devices ‘bind on button presses’, and then press at least one button to complete the bind. Don’t forget to turn the setting off afterwards.

You will also see the bindings between the hub and the remote in the list printed to the history tab - please don’t remove the bindings to the hub as it’s possible that you will lose the ability to re-add those back because button presses will no longer go to the hub. If you do this you would need to reset your device.

So far for me this is only working on the STYRBAR remote, but I have a feeling from reading posts in other home automation forums newer firmwares on the other ikea remotes supported this too. Unfortunately mine don’t have new firmware. So please try this and let me know if it works for you. (research suggests you need firmware 2.3.75 or above on the 5 button ikea remote to support device binding)

In summary

  • You will need the device you wish to controls IEEEAddress - I will write a follow up post on how to get them (Zigbee Button + Groups - Alpha Test - #30 by lmullineux)
  • You add them one at a time - you can add more than 1 device to a remote
  • It is possible to use this alongside groups e.g 4 lights in a group, 1 plug using device binding
  • For me this only worked for Styrbar, your experience may be different - also i haven’t tested this with all the possible devices obviously but it works with the ikea lights I own.
  • Devices you control don’t need to be running special drivers