Zigbee Button + Groups - Alpha Test

How to retrieve the device address

If the device is running stock or using an groovy dth

  • Log into the IDE in your region
  • Navigate to devices and find your device
  • The device address is labelled ‘Zigbee Id’

If your device is running an edge driver

  • We will need to call the api to get the details, if you have used it before then you know what to do otherwise follow below
  • Go to SmartThings. Add a little smartness to your things. and create a token to use, selecting appropriate scopes - make sure you save your token somewhere safe
  • Use https://reqbin.com/ or any other api tool to call the devices endpoint (see screenshot)
  • Grab the zigbee ui for the device you want to control - you might find it easier to copy the response from the api into a text editor so you can easily search for your device by name

Update: I have a new app that makes getting the zigbee eui easier - see here [RELEASE] Simple Device Info Viewer