WWST Certification: Ship your device

I received the following email.

“Your certification request passed our first review! To continue the certification process, please email a copy of the certification form to the test lab and they will provide the address to ship the device to for certification testing. You can find the form by viewing the status of your certification request in the Developer Workspace.”

The links in the email are not working. (ship your device) link goes to the welcome to SmartThings page.

Other links say that they expire in 7 days. None of the links work, but an error message appears:
“The provided token has expired.” I received an email today.

How can I contact the test laboratory if I do not have their contact information?

Tagging @nayelyz


It just all sounds like normal SmartThings!

Try contacting build@smartthings.com


Yes, for this kind of case, please send an email to build@smartthings.com. This is because we need private information that cannot be discussed here.