I like Zigbee. I like zwave. Each has pluses and minuses, so it depends what you want to do with them.
Z wave has longer range for an individual hop, UL certification for security systems, and doesn’t run into Wi-Fi interference which is why it’s historically been a good choice for fixed position devices like light switches. And there are plenty of good and interesting Z wave hubs available now, including the brand new Series 700 Z box from Zooz, the new homey, hubitat and Homeseer.
Zigbee has better power management, which is why historically it’s been preferred for small battery operated sensors.
When it comes to smartthings, I find its Z wave implementation to be less effective than that of much of the competition. I have a topic on that here in the forum if you want to see the details.
Gaps in SmartThings’ Zwave Implementation (2022)
So, yeah, I don’t personally recommend zwave with smartthings right now, although there are certainly a lot of people who do use it successfully.
As far as using jasco switches with the ring security system, yes, they work quite well if they are the specific models included in that integration. But the only rules engine that’s available is Alexa routines, which is good for simple things, but much less robust than what’s available with smartthings. And you can’t have them connected to both SmartThings and Ring Security at the same time. So it comes down to the details of what you need.
As far as this…
it doesn’t make sense to get a 700 series switch
Some features require that both the hub and the end device are on the same generation, but others do not. For example, you will still get longer range from a series 700 switch than you would from a series 500 switch even with a series 500 hub.
Series 800 is still too new, I think, and you do have to have a series 800 hub to get the real benefits of that. But a series 700 switch is going to provide a number of benefits over a series 500 switch if both are connected to a series 800 hub.
So I am the opposite of what most people have expressed in this thread: if I’m spending new money, I get the newest generation that’s stable. So, at this point, I would only be buying series 700 Z wave devices. I would put off getting a new hub until the series 800 stuff is stable if I could manage to wait. But sometimes that’s not practical.
But different things will work for different people. There are a lot of choices available now.