As an update and reminder, we will be migrating Groovy DTHs to either a supported SmartThings-owned Edge driver, a community-created Edge driver already installed on your hub, or a “Thing” placeholder soon.
The migration process for these devices will take place starting Monday, July 17, and will occur over the course of a week.
Devices that migrate to a “Thing” will no longer be functional on the SmartThings Platform. If you need more information on what this means or how to identify a “Thing,” you can check out the FAQ here.
If you have an unsupported device still using a Groovy DTH that you expect may be affected by this change, you can still try the options here to move the device to an Edge driver before the migration begins.
We will provide another update once the upcoming phase of device migration is complete.
Please note, we have already begun migrating supported Virtual devices to our new infrastructure so those will not be affected by this change and will continue to function in SmartThings.
You and I are the lucky ones, some people will be left with devices that don’t work. Please recycle responsibly at your nearest electronics recycling depot!
Looks like mine all went over in the last week or so. The last 70% went so fast though and poorly that now I’m sorting through the mess, but while I don’t have any “things”, it does look like my two legacy outlet strips don’t truly work with the stock ST drivers.
Is there a way to see in the new advanced UI what devices are still not using a driver? I can see if I open one by one I can see if the driver field is populated, but no place on the master list. I do not have the API+ or CLI setup so trying to get a gauge of what I am in for. Fortunately it looks like the rest of my virtual switches moved without fanfare. The first batch caused a complete train wreck in my house…
I haven’t had devices using DTH in quite some time so I don’t know how their device type is displayed. I assume it would display DTH as the browser+ API.
I think you may be right. I was seeing ones marked as ZWAVE and ZIGBEE on the list, but when I opened, the drop down for Driver was blank. . . but I just went back now and tried to find some again and they all have a driver listed. So I think it was probably just slow web response populating the drop down.
I still have a bunch of virtual switches still listed as DTH, but hoping those migrate ok now that they figured out what ever problem caused them all to go offine/delete. Wondering if they have a solution for the weather tile. Kind of feeling like they don’t, which will muck up a ton of my lighting automation. At least maybe they will kill it when the UV/Lux is low so all my lighting defaults to turning on vs not. . . .but who knows.
Yes, I was aware of the driver, but don’t leave an always on device to run it. When creating a routine, is the favorites icon the weather input? No UV or Lux inputs right? I could probably get close with a combo of not clear & time of day related to sunrise/set, but the legacy solution did seem to do a decent job of estimating brightness based on time of year. E.g. an hour before sunset in the summer is way different than winter.
Did we ever get official confirmation there is no other replacement for the legacy weather tile other than the icon in the app? I don’t think we ever got official confirmation on virtual switches either, and they have come through with a solution, so I am still holding out hope. Assuming it just gets deleted, I will resort to a virtual switch set by the weather and time of day compared to sun rise/set and then use that in my lighting automation.
You are correct, there are no UV or Lux options in the new weather routines.
No one has officially said anything about replacing weather tiles, but the weather icon seems like the obvious replacement. Keep in mind the Edge Drivers have no access to the internet with out a separate server.
Hi, @iquix
Sorry for the delay, there’s already a report about the usage of Virtual Local devices since others have reported some inconsistencies.
We’ll add your comments to it.